Chapter Twenty-Four: Great

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As soon as Julie got home from school she dragged me up to her bedroom to show me the stuff she'd bought me to wear tonight.

"I don't even know if you guys can wear clothes that you didn't own while you were alive, but I thought it was worth a shot." She said, dumping the shopping bag out onto her bed. I shrugged.

"Worst case scenario, I end up exposing myself to your family and a backyard full of teenagers." I said, shrugging my shoulders. She furrowed her eyebrows in amusement, spreading the clothes out on her bedspread.

"Ok, so this is what I'm going with. My mom has this shirt and these boots that are covered in butterflies, and the pants are mine, so I figured we should do a kind of flip-flop things with you, so we've got a sort-of similar black shirt, white and black pants, and I'm hoping you already have black combat boots?"

"Are you kidding? I grew up in a nineties rock band." She raised her eyebrows. "Yeah, of course I have combat boots."

"Ok, and I also figured we could add some of the loose butterflies into our hair, and I have two pairs of butterfly earrings to choose from. Do you want Purple or Green?"

"Green, for sure. Green is my go-to color." She nodded, walking over to her dresser and picking up the earrings, dropping them into my hand. 

"So does that work for you?" She asked. I smiled, looking down at the outfits side-by-side.

"Yeah, its awesome. I think this might have the potential to be one of our best performances yet." She nodded, sighing and sitting down on the edge of her bed.

"I sure hope so." I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"You ok?" I asked, causing her to look over at me. "It seems like everyone's got something on their mind today." 

"No, its nothing. Flynn's right, I'm being ridiculous."  I raised my eyebrows, silently prompting her to explain. "I got partnered up with this guy in my dance class, that I've had a crush on like forever."

"Is this blonde fedora guy from the dance?" I questioned.

"Nick...yeah. But anyway, we got partnered together, and we did the dance, and normally I'd be psyched but the entire time, all I could think about was..."

"Luke?" She looked up in shock. "Come on, Julie. Its not exactly subtle, for either of you. Even if Luke is in denial." 

"But that's just it, it can't happen. I mean, he's a ghost!" I shrugged.

"Yeah...that's a bit of a road block," I admitted, "But you know...we can't really control these things. We like who we like, whether we want to or not."

"What am I supposed to do?" She asked.

"You're a musician," I pointed out, "Channel it into your music." She offered me a small smile before nodding. "Now, I'm gonna get dressed, and I hope Flynn is around here somewhere, because she's gonna have to tell me if I'm just a floating outfit or not."


When I poofed to the backyard, it was full of teenagers and covered in fairy lights. I spotted Julie's Dad at the back of the crowd with a camera set up on a tripod.

I poofed into the garage to see that it had also been decorated with streamers and some paper lightning bolts on the doors. Julie was already there, standing with the boys with a bag of green and blue butterflies in her hands. Both her outfit, and her hair were adorned with purple, pink, and blue ones. I took the bag from her and began pinning them into my ponytail, as well as various places all over my shirt.

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