Bonus Chapter

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      ❌Trigger Warming in this               chapter

                  Samson's POV

"Hello." I say answering my phone.

"Samson, I need you to get to my house right now." My father says and quickly hangs up.

I sigh as I gather my things from my office and head out.

My father had intended for Zevander to take over his business, hence the marriage arrangement, but Zevander wanted nothing to do with it. So my father was stuck with me.

When I heard Zevander moved on and found someone to make him and Lenaya happy I was happy for them. They both deserve happiness especially after what my sister put him through.

My sister was a selfish person who I despised. How Zevander got stuck with her for those few years send shivers down my spine.

When I went to Lenaya's birthday party a month and a half ago I was not expecting to run into the girl I raped.

Yeah I know I'm a piece of shit and I spent the last fifteen years trying to do better. Become better.

I don't blame Zevander for kicking my ass and for keeping me from Lenaya. I deserve that. Hell I deserve to be locked up.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as I pull up to my parents house. They must of barely came back from New York. As they have spent two weeks there for their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary.

I quickly get out of my car and head inside. I see my mother pacing the living room and my father sitting down on the sofa.

"Hey, Father, Mother." I say as I walk up to them.

"Sit, Boy." My father says firmly. I sigh as I sit across from him.

My mother hands me a photo and sits beside my father. I look at the photo and then my parents. "Am I suppose to know who this is?" I ask confused.

"That's your son." My mother says and my eyes widen.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a child. I think I would know." I say getting angry.

"Funny." My mother spits. "You never raped a girl fifteen years ago? A girl who is now dating Zevander?" My mom says angrily.

I tense up. 'How the fuck did they find that out? Is that her kid? Is it my kid?' I ask myself. I decide to play dumb.

"I don't know what your talking about." I shrug my shoulders.

"Cut the shit, Boy. Your facial expressions told us what we needed to know." My father says through clenched teeth.

"This boy..." My mother says pointing to the picture in my hand. "Zaren... is your son. What Zevander's girlfriend told us was true. That is why Zevander doesn't want you near Lenaya." She says with tears in her eyes.

I put my head down and look at the picture. He... Zaren has my hair, eyes, lips and dimples. I know he's mine. He should be fifteen now.

"Did you meet him? Did you meet Zaren?" I ask my parents as I take my eyes off my sons picture and look at them.

I see their eyes flicker to sadness before my mother starts to cry. My father quickly engulfs her into a tight embrace.

"What? What happened?" I ask anxiously as I lean forward in my seat.

"He killed himself two years ago." My father says. I feel the tears fall from my eyes. "Zevander's gir-" I cut my father off before he can finish.

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