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I'm sitting at my desk in math class, bored as usual. All the people in here are dumb. All except me, of course. I wanted to skip a grade but I'd be leaving behind my friends, so I chose to just sit here and swap notes to pass the time. Piko is my best friend. We met over Christmas break three years ago and now nothing can separate us. It's his birthday tomorrow and we're gonna do so much messed up stuff, I even made a list.

I feel a gentle tap on my right shoulder and turn back to grab a neatly folded piece of paper from Rin. Leaning back in my chair, I unfold the note, scanning it over quickly before picking up my pencil. Piko wants to have a sleepover with me and some other friends. Near the bottom of the page is enough room left over to scribble down suggestions for invites. I let him know that, while I agree with his choice of places to hang out at, I'd rather discuss the guest list during lunch. After I fold the note back up, I pretend to scratch my back, secretly dropping it on my sister's desk.

--Lunch time--

Corn puppies, yaas! I sit down at my usual table and await my friends.
Piko is the first to show up (as usual). Holding a slip of paper, he sticks his leg out and rests it on out table, gathering everyone's attention.

"Okay, I have the list of people I invited." He lays the partridge on the table and I look at it,

Len (me lmfao)
Yohio (fuck yeah)
Gachpoid (I guess...)
Sammy (my main man)
Lui (who?)
Kaito (I hope he brings his own snacks this year)
and Oliver

Wait... Oliver?

"Umm, okay..." I start, not knowing what to say. I never really told anyone because it's weird but I kinda.. sorta.. like Oliver and being in the same room as him makes me a bit nervous. Don't get me wrong, I'm cool and collected just.. not around the little Brit.

"Oh come on Len, I made Kaito promise he wouldn't eat all the ice cream." Piko laughs, sitting down by me.

"It's fine I just... Do you really want Oliver to come? I mean, don't you think he's a little innocent for some of the games we play?" That's it Len, just avoid it, good.

"I already invited him so he's just gonna have to learn."

"Well, Oliver-"

"What about me?" The little blonde boy asks, walking up to the table.

I panic and stuff corn puppies in my mouth.

Oliver giggles, "I knew you liked corn puppies but not that much, Lenny~"

I choke, overwhelmed by the cuteness. He's the only one that calls me Lenny. Not even the kawaii obsessed girls call me that. I won't let them. I'm too cool.

"Are you okay?" Piko asks as I just manage to swallow the food I shoved in my mouth.

"Mmgh- yea, yup, yes, mmhmm." Dang it, Oliver! Stop looking at me like that!

Hio joins the group, bragging about how he kicked the soccer ball in gym class and how it landed in the basketball hoop, "-and then, it hit Lui in the head and oh my god, the look on his face hahaha!"

"Yes, that's quite interesting, Yohio. Now, why don't you tell them how you got sent to the principal's office." Lui reaches over and steals a french fry from Hio's tray.

"How's life up with the seniors?" I ask.

"Boring, actually. I don't see why they won't let me just take the stupid test and move on to college level schooling." He sighs, sitting down by Oliver and leaning up against him, getting all dramatic, "oh, life is so harsh."

"Well, you are only a sophomore." Oliver comments.

Lui sighs harder, "ah well, I guess it can't be helped."

"So, we're all meeting up at Piko's place, right?" Gachpoid asks, joining the herd along with Sam.

"Yup." The birthday boy grins, leg still on table. "This is gonna be sick~"

"Oh," Oliver looks down, "I don't think I wanna get sick..."

The rest of us laugh.

"You're adorable!" Piko adds.

"No I'm not..." Oliver mutters, hiding his face.

I blush. He really is adorable.

Piko spits his leg back down and crosses his arms. "Well, I gotta go, the band teacher wants to take our picture for the year book."

"Bye." I smile. "You band nerd."

Piko looks at me in disgust. "I'll play my trumpet over your grave!"

... Well... tomorrow is definitely going to be interesting.

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