♥Chapter 3. You Pumpkin-Head♥

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♥I saw Jef outside of the window. I broke the window again. Welp that will cost 60 dollars. I flew to Jef and tried to scare him. "BOO!-"  I said.  Jef just stood there. Just silently, I don't know if this was Jef. Is his trying to ignore me? "Jef? Are you there..." I responded. "Y-YOU P- PUMPKIN HEAD!" Jef Shout. I giggled nervously. "PFFFFTTTT" I laughed out. I knew this little boy is Jef. We headed back inside where Nightmare's fake "food" was. We played Uno at 5:10 pm. Jef won. I lost, but I had a pun. " MY NAME JEFF-".  Jef smacked me, but I still laughed from the pun. I went to the bathroom. I cried, I mumbled words...





【Misunderstood】♥Goodboyhalo♥ ft. OthersWhere stories live. Discover now