Chapter 13: School...Again-

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Kenjiro walked back to school feeling guilty as ever. He stared at Tendou who was waiting for Semi. He patted the shoulder of his upperclassmen "He's not coming back.." Tendou looked confused "Why not?" Kenjiro sighed turning away, he didn't dare to tell Tendou where his friend was. He was too scared the 3rd year would blame him "His parent's took him to a different school." Tendou blinked "Then why didn't he tell me." He pouted, then grabbed his phone "I'll just text him." Kenjiro blood spiked a bit Shit.. "Okay,'ll tell you where he is...just not now. And not here.." Tendou smiled and nodded "Alright! Where do you want to meet? Wanna get something to eat while you tell me?" Shirabu nodded "Yeah sure." Tendou nodded and waved before walking away to go back to his class. "..." He hated how Semi was no longer in school. But he took out the letter he had sent him and read it to himself, which made him calm down "I should try sending him a letter." He walked himself towards his class sitting down and grabbing a pencil.

Hey Semi, thankfully I got your letter. How have you been doing? And well I've been doing fine...but I've missed you a lot. And are they treating you okay? You shouldn't be throwing up, is it really a hell pit? Anyways...have you made any new friends? Or anything? Have you gotten in touch with your parents? I'm just a bit worried..but I know that you're doing fine, which calms me down a lot. I reread your letter whenever I'm stressed. Because I know that your safe. I hope this gets to you soon

- Kenjiro

He sighed then looked up as his teacher called him "What? Oh...sorry I wasn't paying attention. Uh- can you repeat?" The teacher grumbled and asked him the question again, but Kenjiro was confused "Well. Uh- I- um..-" He was stuttering a lot "Damnit.." The teacher rolled their eyes "Hm...Pay attention next time, Shirabu." Kenjiro was now embarrassed and covered his ears hearing as kids giggled Shut up...just don't make fun of me.. He waited for class to end, just waiting and waiting. He still wasn't paying attention to the teacher, he was currently just being scared kids were making fun of him. He just kept looking at the note he made, he then raised his hand "Can...I-..I go to the bathroom?" He asked. His teacher narrowed their eyes and nodded "Alright." Kenjiro stood up and started to walk away, he seemed like a dog with a tail tucked under his legs. In his first year he was pretty popular and never felt as anxious as he does now. Until his friend outed him and the fact everyone makes fun of him for it. He walked into the bathroom and wiped his face. He heard the door open he turned around noticing who had entered "Hey, boy lover." A much taller boy walked in, smirking "Where's that 3rd year friend of yours?" He growled "He's not here today." The boy who had a purple cheek smiled "Good...because your friend gave me this that one day, and it still hasn't gone away." He cracked his knuckles. He raised his fist up "Now since your friend isn't here, I'll gladly take the anger I had on him on you." He grabbed his hair and pulled him in to punch him. Kenjiro closed his eyes feeling his hard fist hit his face. He opened his eyes again and clenched his fist, the guy laughed in his face "You're worthless and pathetic...I hope you rot in hell." The moment he heard the word 'hell' triggered him, he then lifted his arm and hit him in face. Then jumped on top off him continuing to hit him "Fuck you! Fuck you! You're son is going through hell now!-" He stopped himself before backing away. The guy held onto his cheek, confused. Shirabu once he heard the word 'hell' made him think about Eita's father. He guy stood up and walked away "You're still weirder then" Shirabu looked at his swollen forehead "Why'd he have to hit me there.." He huffed then walked out. He made it back to class, the teacher asking him why he took so long. But he didn't want to answer. So he just stayed there.

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