Parents AU

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-Let's start with fluff-

NamJoon comes in looking at his husband with their tiny little kid, jungkook, a set of twins come in "can we g-" the both stop when they see Jin and jungkook sleeping together, they both say sorry quietly at NamJoon.

"Alright let's go, what did you two need huh?" Namjoon asks

"To the park" taehyung smiles widely at his father "okay.. but you have to take a nap first, no buts or else you won't get ice cream privileges" he threatens softly.

The two looks at him sadly but agreed to him, they don't want to loose such privileges!

"Otay papa!" They whisper shout, then their little feet ran to their shared bedroom, a double deck bed.

"We'll go to the park later loves" namjoon kisses their foreheads as they get tucked in bed, "night night papa" Jimin softly said before yawing and getting comfortable.

NamJoon smiles at them and leaves the room, he goes back to his own, seeing his husband smiling at him softly "hey honey.." he said in a tiny voice while he strokes at jungkook's fragile head.

"Hi baby.." Jin waves at him as he sits beside his husband, "I love you" namjoon kisses his neck.

Jin giggles like a high school girl "why don't I put jungkook on his bed huh?" Jin says cheekily.

NamJoon nods virgiously, Jin chuckles and quickly puts jungkook back to his crib.

Jin settles nex to NamJoon, and he just goes for it.

- sexy time skip -

NamJoon hears little pitter patters from outside his door, his hair is all over the place and his beautiful husband is sleeping beside him peacefully.

NamJoon immedietly puts on some clothes before the two even knocks.

"Dad-" namjoon shushes them "daddy is sleeping right now.. he's um- sick" namjoon hesitates.

"Oh" they both said "but you guys can get ice cream, let me help you, and some cartoons yeah? But promise me not to wake up jungkook, I'll take care of daddy? Is that okay?" Namjoon bargains with that two.

"Yes papa!" Taehyung whispers shout, and he looks at Jimin "yep yep" NamJoon smiles and brings the two, he grabs two chocolate ice creams handing it to them, putting on the tv to kids YouTube, and he kisses the two on the head, "alright be good"

And he leaves to go back to the bedroom, he cradles his husband, but the other groans "my butt hurts!" He pouts, NamJoon chuckles "sorry love" and kisses his forehead.

"Whatever, your changing jungkook's diaper" Jin says, NamJoon sighs "fine"

"What if we leave the 3 to jjp?" Namjoon asks.

"No! They literally have yugyeom, Bambam, youngjae and their 8 year old Jackson" Jin told him.

"Oh come on, they can handle three more" namjoon whispers to his husband.

"No namjoon, I'm pretty sure they're tired enough with their new borns" namjoon totally forgot that twins yugyeom and bambam are newborns.

"Oh right.." and just like that jungkook starts crying.

Jin smiles at his husband, and the other rolls his eyes and dragged himself to jungkook's room.

He does what he has to do with the little baby, and then bringing him to his and his husband's room.

And someone calls them.

Hello? Jin! NamJoon! - jaebum.

Hey??? What's up? - NamJoon starts.

Uh.. can you guys maybe babysit youngjae and Jackson? - jinyoung

I don't need a babysitter! I can take care of youngjae! - Jackson at the background

Ah.. why? - Jin asks

We're having a hard time with the twins.. - jaebum says

Well.. we can all just live together or something for a few days, we can help you right Jinnie? Plus the twins would love to see youngjae and jack - NamJoon grins at Jin.

Jin rolls his eyes and namjoon and mouths "what the fuck" He just laughs at his husband

Yes please! We're on our way! You guys have the spare room right? - jinyoung

Yep! Just don't be noisy tho, or I'll let you guys change the sheets - NamJoon chuckles

We would never! I'm tired already - jinyoung

Namjin laughs and namjoon prepares everything, Jin does minimal work like change their bedsheets.

And with NamJoon done, he and Jin takes a bath together as they leave jungkooo playing with plushies in his crib.

After taking a shower (plus make out session) they put on their clothes, and takes their baby jungkook, not realizing jinyoung and jaebum are already in the living room.

"Yeah! I saw that!" Youngjae screams from the living room, Jin sighs.

"It's gonna be a long week huh?" He says to NamJoon.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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