Chapter 7

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Its the day of the exams and the students are told that they have to fight the teachers.

Of course 2-A was fine with it but not the Ketsubutsu Academy High School students were nervous because they never did that.

All of 2-A were pared with the same teachers they did during the Final Exams in their 1st year.

Ketsubutsu Academy High School students were paired up.

Ms Joke will be going against Yo Shindo (Grand) and Tatami Nakagame (Turtle Neck)

There were two separate viewing stations.

One for the students and one for the teachers.

Ms Joke and Eraserhead were in the teacher one.

Ms Joke got a piece of gum and put it in her mouth.

She then went up to Eraserhead and stand next to him.

And offend him a piece of gum.

"So what are planning this time," asked Ms Joke.

Eraserhead took the gum and put it in his mouth.

"What do you mean," said Eraserhead.

"Well I seen the video of what you did during the last Final Exam, are you planning to be more tougher," said Ms Joke.

"You can say that," said Eraserhead.

Then a speaker started to talk.

"Ms Joke its your turn," said the speaker.

"Well I got to go, wish me luck," said Ms Joke.

Eraserhead just nodded.

Ms Joke got to her place in the training place.

Then the bell ring.

She started going towards Yo Shindo and Tatami Nakagame.

Once she was near them, she hide and then throw green and orange smoke bombs.

Ms Joke knew that normal smoke bombs wouldn't hide her well.

She sees Yo Shindo and starts running towards him and starts hand to hand combats.

Shindo was about to put his hands on the ground to activate his quirk.
(Which is vibration)

But Ms Joke catches his arms and active her quirk (Outburst).

Shindo started to laugh.

Ms Joke laugh a bit. But she noticed something. Tatami Nakagame was missing.

"Wait a minute where's," said Ms Joke.

But then Tatami Nakagame appeared out of her self.

(Her quirk is Telescopic. Telescopic is very quick to activate, allowing the user to retract into themselves on short notice to evade projectiles traveling at a high velocity. Unretracting, however, is not an instantaneous process and requires a few seconds to accomplish.)

She also had cuffs and manage to put it on Ms Joke's wrist.

They passed the exam.

"Great job you two," said Ms Joke.

"Now can some one get these cuffs off I need to pee," said Ms Joke.

Back at the viewing station Eraserhead watched the whole thing.

He put his head on his hand.

"I told her she needed to use the bathroom before the exam," said Eraserhead.

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