jean x marco

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Jean was ready. He was ready to confess to Marco. 

It was like any normal day at the survey corps, cleaning... Levi, knowing Jeans plans to confess, paired him up with Marco. During cleaning Jean was a total wreak, and avoided Marco while cleaning. "Jean what's wrong? you haven't said a word to me and i'm starting to get worried." Marco's voice brought Jean out of his dirty little fantasy(wink wink). "huh? oh it's nothing just nervous." he replied. He knew it had to be now or never. " why so? You can tell me" . And Jean was about to do just that but, a certain brunette ruined it. " HORSE FACE , HURRY AND JUST ASK HIM!!! I DON'T WANT TO CLEAN ALL DAY!!" Jean, in a fit of anger yelled back, "SHUT THE HELL UP, JEAGER!! OR ELSE YOU WANT ME TO TELL LEVI YOUR LITTLE CRUSH!!" Silence was the only response they got, letting them know Jean won that round. "Um... Jean what does he mean?"  Jean, being the dumbass he is, started stuttering and fumbling over his words. "u-umm h-he meant  *sigh* I was gunna make it all romantice and stuff, but i guess i can tell you now."  Marco blushed, but didn't say anything. "Marco we have been friends for years and I can't keep my feelings in anymore. I- i love you Marco bodt, with all my heart." He finally said it! Now the reply (un called for dramatic music in the background) "J-Jean i don't know what to say" jean thought that as a rejection, but Marco kept speaking " all i can say is... (music intensifies) I LOVE YOU TOO!" He said it! (parade music plays, glitter and confetti flies every where, clapping and screaming in the background, a news reporter 'it has just been confirmed: he loves him too!') Jean, about to explode, picks him up and spins him, both laughing. When Jean puts him down they lean in and share a passionate kiss.  

                                                                ~THE END~

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