32 - Parent And Child Day

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"Today's the day of our new holiday! Parent and Child Day. Have a great time, ya know! " - Naruto in television


"It's finally Parent and Child Day tomorrow, huh? I wonder if Daddy will come home? " - Himawari

"Of course! Don't think so negative Hima!" - Y/N

"Yeah... He also said he'd be able to make it." - Hinata

"He must have a lot to do. But he'll be home. " - Boruto (Playing his game)

"Yeah... That's right!" - Himawari


"All right. I'm going to visit grandpa. Dad should be home anytime now. Look after Hima, okay?" - Hinata

"Yeah! Don't worry." - Boruto

"Leave it to us!" - Y/N

"See you. Mama!" - Hima

"I'll be going now" - Hinata

The Next day... Morning...

"Damn it..." - Boruto

"You're finally here! Dad!" - Y/N

"Boruto? Y/N?" - Naruto

"W-well, today's Parent and Child Day, right? I just finished inundated with request from the merchants for food stalls and eating contest and what-not... I didn't sleep a wink. " - Naruto

"Making excuses cannot be excused! Hima's been waiting. " - Boruto

"That's mean, Boruto..." - Y/N

"I'm leaving all up to you." - Boruto

"Hey Boruto... You aren't joining with us?" - Naruto

"I'll be busy training! See ya! " - Boruto

"Me too, I'm off! See you Dad at the village! I'm going to look around. " - Y/N

"Y-you too?!" - Naruto

Then when Naruto get inside the house he saw Himawari sleeping probably waiting for him



Hmm... Let's get this awesome toy! Let's find an open store that has Kuraama, they said its cute and awesome. That can be a good toy for Hima, she will like it, right?

Looking around the village... Finally this toy!


Not bad for the prize now what to do now hmmm...

Sarada still owe me a dango but she might be busy

I just gonna buy my own



*Looking around while eating*

Then I saw Dad and Hima in front of some store holding... Shukaaku? Too bad I have Kuraama, now lets go and give it to her

"Hey Dad! Hima!" - I said and run to get closer to them

"Y/N niichan..." - Hima

"Y/N what did you bought? Or I mean what's that you are holding?" - Dad

"Oh this... Here! Hima for you, you might like this!" - I said and hand her Kuraama

"Wow! Now I have 2! Shukaaku and Kuraama!" - Hima said showing the brightest smile


*Then ate the last dango*

"Now all of us! Shall we explore the village together?" - Dad

"Sure!" - Hima and I

"Bye Kiba, Goodluck with the toy!" - Dad

"Yeah..." - Kiba san

—Yamanaka's Flower Shop—

"Wow, Beautiful Flowers" - Hima

"This is for you, Himawari chan, thank you for all you did for Inojin kun back then. " - Ino san

And hand her a sunflower

"Arigatou!" - Hima

"You too, Y/N" - Ino san said and hand me a flower

'Wow I didn't expect that she will give me this, one of my favourites'

"This is my favorite, Arigatou" - I said and take the (Your favourite flower)

"Hima want to drop that at home?" - Dad

"No its okay!" - Hima (Btw she's in Naruto's back)

"Then let me help carry those toys, and you carry the flowers" - I said, I took the toys from her and give her my flower

Hima stick the flower at Dad's back

"You're putting it there?" - Dad

"Hmm..." - Hima

"Let's go?" - I said



"Dad can they make Hiraishin kunai?" - I said, cuz I lost some and forgot to get it

"You can ask them, let's go inside shall we?" - Dad


"Is that u Naruto?" - Tenten san

"Hey, Tenten... Its been awhile." - Dad

"Hey, Tenten san can you make Hiraishin kunai?" - I said

"Hmm... Yeah I think" - Tenten san

"Can u make me some?" - I said

"Sure! Here give this to ur little sister" - Tenten san said and gave me a necklace with little shuriken color pink?

I took a step closer to Hima and put the nacklace on her

"Kawaii" - Hima

"Tenten san gave it!" - I said then I look to her and said "I comeback here for the kunai if needed."

"Sure you can get it whenever you want" - Tenten san

"Did you perfect it? All of the trainings?" - Dad

"Uhmm... Not really, I just know how to do it, not really perfect" - I said

"Then after this wanna train to perfect it?" - Dad

"Really?!" - I said

"Yeah" - Dad

Timeskip (Afternoon)

"We had so much fun! Right Hima?" - I said

"Yeah" - Hima

"Thank's for today Dad/Papa" - Hima and I said

"You guys..." - Dad

"and also keep up all the good work as the Hokage" - Hima

"Hima you're making Dad cry." - I said and carry her in my back

Then I turn around

"just like Hima said, we will always support you, Dad" - I added

"Looking closer they are both cute!" - Hima

"Yosh, Let's run home fast!" - Dad said and carried us

At home

Hima is already sleeping

Dad and I training outside the house, then Boruto came

"Hey its still Parent and Child Day! Wanna join?" - I said

"Sure! Bring it on!" - Boruto

Yeahh that's all my bad I escape the eating contest and about Sarada and Sasuke

849 words

Arigatou ❤️

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