ain't love grand

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I look at Ez who has an uneasy look on his face, probably because I'm freaking out.  I mean I just literally met Angel I haven't had time to vet him yet.  The main concern at the moment though is my cousins.  Speaking of I glance at them both have a funny look on there faces.  Bryon has a look of "what does that mean?"  Adri on the other hand has a very deep blush.  Like me she reads a lot or did, I'm not sure if she still does.
Her favorite book is a werewolf romance go figure.  I think she has put two and two together all ready.  I'm more worried about Bryon now, I hope he doesn't freak out and hurt Cynthia because I like her.
Cynthia and Angel walk towards my cousins at the same time.  Ez must have given some kind of sign to them because they stop their advance and Cynthia clears her throat and asks them to take a seat.
Bryon heads towards me while Adri walks right up to Angel.  They exchange a few whispered words and then join us.  Bryon was distracted so he missed their exchange.  Stepping back from hugging me he asks me how I'm doing.  "Never better," I say with a glance at Ez.  Who gives me a warm smile, I then introduce Bryon to  Cynthia.
"Hello it's wonderful to meet you! Can I get you anything? We just finished making breakfast," she smiles at him.  Now that she has his full attention hes gawking at her.  Clearing his throat he replies "water, no I mean coffee  it smells great thanks."  I don't know if I've ever seen him flustered before, It's cute.
Once were all seated with food and coffee we all dig in.  At first it's a pleasant silence, then Bryon starts his inquiries, "Ez was it? What are your intentions towards my cousin?"  Thank God I had swallowed my coffee before he asked that or that would have hurt.  As it is I'm still coughing, Ez gently rubs my back then turns to Bryon and says, " I will marry her, when she feels that it's the right time.  If it was up to me I would put a ring on it right now if she would let me."
Why did I think it was safe to take a bite of my pancakes? Now I'm choking all over again.  While I'm struggling to breathe Adri starts  scolding her brother, but I'm not really paying attention because now I've got to pee again.  When I'm finished hacking up a lung I excuse myself and head to the restroom Cynthia taking me to the nearest one.  Hopefully when I come out it's over.  Maybe I should hang out in here for a bit.
I'm not sure how long I hid but when I come back Ez comes over with a worried look, "you ok?"  He whispers.  "Yeah I'm fine," I give him a sheepish smile.  "Where'd you go?" Bryon asks me.  "I got lost on the path of life," I say.  "I see you still like your anime, which one is that from?" He asks dryly.  "Naruto, and what's with the judgement?" I ask raising my eyebrows.  "Nothing, I'm just tired is all." As if emphasizing his point he gives a big yawn.  Cynthia stands holding her hand out to him, "come on I'll show up where you can rest." She gives him a soft smile.  He wastes no time complying with her request.  After they have gone my attention is drawn over to Adri and Angel.  They have been quietly having a deep, from the looks of it, conversation.  "So what cha talking bout over there?" I ask.  Adri laughs at me, " please don't start acting like my brother!"  I smile, "sorry I can't help it I love you."
They both smile at me and let us know that they are on the same page, that she knew what he and his sister ment when they said mate. Man I wish I read those books of hers maybe I wouldn't have fainted like a sissy.  Now we just need Bryon to accept Cynthia.

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