Minecraft mob family gathering! Skit script!

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Alex: Okay! Is everybody here?

Ashley: Oh sorry! I gtg! Byee! TTYL! Yeah, I'm here.

Steve: Ashley Enderman! No calling friends! This is a FAMILY Gathering!

Ashley: You're not my family.


Steve: Good point.

Aiberlee: (Who is an enderman, too) Hey Zac! Selfie! Cheese!


Aiberlee: Yass! To Faceblock you GO!

Zac: (Who is a creeper) Um...are you putting that online?

Aiberlee: Yeah, why?

Zac: *Explodes* (Respawns over by the food table don't worry!:))

Aiberlee: Audrey! Com'ere! I gotta show you something I put on face block!

Aiberlee: Bumps into Brody, (Who is a blaze).

Aiberlee: Sorry!

Brody: No. I'm sorry!

*Romantic music*

*Record scratch*

Ashley: Aiberlee! There's chorus fruit cookies!

Aiberlee: Squeal Runs over and stuffs her face.

Ashley to Brody: Don't do anything to my sister, you HEAR ME? *Stares at him*

Brody: Covers his eyes.

Ashley: Walks away

Brody: Shrugs, and continued drinking his punch, like nothing ever happened.

Soooo! That was the end of Pt 1! If any of you want to do this as a play, or skit, let me know!

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