The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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Christmas Story 2020

Annabeth smiled softly as she looked at the Christmas tree. It was small, but they never needed anything bigger. The Jackson's had a small family and a small apartment, so the tree was fitting. It was a fake tree, since the landlord and the neighbors didn't appreciate them dragging a tree in the elevator. Plus, they could never afford to buy a new tree every year.

The tree was wrapped in colored lights. They weren't very neat, but Percy always had fun doing it up. Sally would help him by standing on the other side and passing them back to him.

Annabeth adored the Jackson family. Sally, who had the biggest heart in the world and was always caring for her. Paul, who was super chill and just wanted to make sure his family was safe. Estelle, who was so curious and happy all the time. And, of course, Percy. Percy who was sweet, but tough. Silly, but serious. Sarcastic, but meaningful. And a thousand other things. He was as wild as the ocean and as beautiful, too. He was the boy Annabeth had fallen in love with.

She was staying the weekend at the Jacksons, so she could have Christmas with them. Her father would be out of town and she didn't want to spend Christmas with just her step family.

It was close to midnight on Christmas Eve. Annabeth was sitting on the couch in the living room. The Jackson family had gone to bed long ago, but Annabeth just couldn't seem to close her eyes. Even though she was almost eighteen, she still had trouble falling asleep on Christmas.

She had never believed in Santa Claus. Even as a little girl, Annabeth knew reindeer couldn't fly. She knew the world was too big for one man to deliver presents to everyone. She knew there were some places that didn't celebrate Christmas. She knew some people couldn't afford to have presents every year. That made Annabeth sad. At the young age of four years old, she made it her life's goal to solve poverty.

When she was five, she spent Christmas out in the cold. Helen, her step-mother, invited her family over for Christmas Eve. They cooked up a nice meal. It was a fancy roast and twice-baked potatoes. The evening started out nice. Her step-grandmother was fantastic, and her aunts were polite enough, even though their disdain was obvious, but Annabeth was certain that her uncle only had one, large eye in the middle of his head. When Annabeth mentioned this to her Helen, she didn't believe her and told her to stop pretending that way. It was rude.

So Annabeth brought it to her father's attention. He was only kidding when he said she should ask him herself.

So she did. Her uncle laughed at her and called her a silly little girl.

No one had ever called Annabeth a silly little girl. It just wasn't true. Everyone who knew her knew she was bright and never told a lie. It broke Annabeth's heart. It hurt her pride and embarrassed her in front of everyone.

Annabeth called him out on it. That got her family into a big fight. In the end, Helen yelled at her for dividing the family and Annabeth ran out the door in tears.

She stayed the night curled up in her green velvet dress, under a bridge. She returned around seven at night, on Christmas day. Helen and her father were happy to see she was alive, but no one apologized. Not her uncle, not her father, not even Helen. She later found out that her uncle was, indeed, a cyclops. Helen apologized days later, but Annabeth still harbored a deep emotional scar. She was certain that no one wanted her.

When Annabeth was six years old, they had Christmas in Boston with her father's family. She had fun playing LEGOs with her cousin, Magnus.

"I'm going to run away," she confided in him as they watched their parents and uncle argue about something. She still remembered the Christmas before, and she hadn't forgiven Helen. Suddenly, her aunt, Magnus' mom, grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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