Chapter 1 10/10

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Vivian stopped me before I could walk off. She started wiping the blood out of my hair. "Geez, when did this happen?" Vivian asked will pouring water into my face. " don't waste drinking water, I could just freshen up later." I replied as Vivian put the water away. We began walking back to camp. " that doesn't answer my question" Vivian pressed. "I got attacked, that's all" Vivian's was shocked. "B-but I'm good now. So don't worry... hey. How did you know I was out here?" I asked Vivian

"I don't know if you've noticed buuut I'm always up earlier than you." Vivian said. "When? I don't remember this?" I replied. "Who do you think makes you breakfast every morning? The holy ghost?" Vivian said as I chuckled. "I guess you are. You're way too quiet in the morning." I say. "Um cause you're asleep. Should I play careless whisper in morning and bang pots and pans for you?" She said giggling. "I would feel personally attacked if you do-" I was cut off by the shriek of a teenage girl... oh wait, that was adrian.

"Kaaate! Put that thing down!" Adrian said while hiding behind Simon. I could see the visible sweat beads from here. "Are you feeling okay? Because just yesterday you were fighting toxins like your life depended on it." I said while petting Serenus. "No Kate, don't pet it! Let it go!" Adrian said. "Seems harmless to me. But I don't know if I would sleep with that thing near me." Tomás said. "I don't know. Seems cute in a way" Tiffany said then Simon looked at her like she said something foreign. "Or something I don't know!" She huffed. She walked away to get her stuff.

"I think we should get rid of it" David said. "Those things are merciless, they won't stop until you're dead. And what happens if we let our guard down. Querido senhor, I don't want to think of the outcome." I could get where David is coming from. He's been killed by one, I'm sure he remembers how he died to. "I'm sorry david." I said looking to the ground. "I forgot, I'll keep them away from you so you don't have to see them". I said while looking back to him. He look hesitant, but agreed and left to pack his things.

"What was that about?" Simon asked "nothing, he doesn't like toxins and I forgot. So I apologized" I said while putting serenus in my bag. "Wait you just kept that in your bag? For how long?" Vivian asked. "Why are you covered in blood?" Tomás asked then gasped. "are you hurt? Do you need help with anything?" My eye twitched. Why in the world are they treating me like a 12 year old?!... well I am, but I never told them that. Unless. "Vivian you didn't by chance tell them I'm 12 right?" I said a little panicked. "No. You're just short so they assumed." She said walking off.

"don't lie to me" I said quietly. Ugh. Now I'm gonna get treated like a baby. Is that why everyone is keeping tabs on me?

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