Forbidden Part 1 ( Yue)

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The bell finally rings and the scraping of chairs is loud, when my classmates enthusiastically scatter from the classroom and out into the world

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The bell finally rings and the scraping of chairs is loud, when my classmates enthusiastically scatter from the classroom and out into the world. The summer break is finally here and I'm free from the confines of high school, at last! Next year I will be off to university in Shanghai and I'm beyond excited for a new adventure.

The driver is waiting for me as I say my goodbyes to my best friend Sun Ning. We've known each since we were 9 and we pretty much do everything together. Next year he will be off to university in Beijing and I don't know how to feel about that. A part of me doesn't want to believe it's true. We agreed to apply to the same universities but our dream schools happen to be in different cities. I look up at him solemnly and say,

"So are you still going to visit your relatives in the Shandong Province for most of the summer?"

Sun Ning nods his head glumly and replies,

"Yup, I have no choice in the matter."

"But it's our last summer together?" I whine. This is not the first time we are having this conversation.

"We have a few days to hang out before I leave." Says Sun Ning in a reassuring tone.

"I know, I know." I concede. "Will you come to the house?"

"I will be there tomorrow as agreed. You should get going, Peizhi is waiting for you." Sun Ning points to the driver in the black Mercedes Benz.

" Sun Ning points to the driver in the black Mercedes Benz

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"Alright fine!" I exclaim reluctantly. "See you tomorrow morning Ning. Don't be late!"

"I wouldn't dream of it Xiao Yue." He smiles. "Ciao!"


I get into the car and greet Peizhi. He has been driving me to and from school since I was 5. Our family is quite rich, okay that's an family is super rich. Both my parents are heirs and therefore lead their lives as such. They have highly trained people running the family businesses while they stay in their various houses around the world. They are currently at their villa on the French Riviera spending their summer in Europe. I was invited to come along after school ended but I wanted to stay in China for this vacation. My parents are fairly high maintenance in their quest for the grand life and I'm quite the opposite of them. I think I'm a disappointment as a daughter because I prefer to spend my days in my art studio painting, than shopping in the glamorous boutiques and being addicted to fashion. Don't get me wrong I love my parents, they just tend to be rather extravagant while I'm more down to earth.

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