c h a p t e r t h r e e

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"What in Jenna Marbles are you doing?"


Cleo laughed before closing the textbook that I was reading. Then, she grabbed my shoulders and shook me gently.

"Darling, I am one hundred percent sure that what you are doing right now isn't studying." She laughed. "Because that is what I look like when a book is placed in front of me."

I stared dejectedly at her and slumped down to place my face on top of the pile of books on the table. I, then, proceeded to groaning my guts out. That must have been a very pretty sight.

"Cleo?" I said weakly.


I thought about telling her what my whole 'problem' was but decided against it. I don't think I would want her screaming 'I told you so' at my face. Not when I was sporting a killer headache. An excited Cleo isn't fun but having a shouting Cleo is worse.

"What's wrong?" Cleo asked as she rubbed her hand on my back soothingly. I don't think she knew how to comfort me then as this would be one of those rare times where I don't know what to do.

I groaned and sat up while I ran my palm over my face. "I think I'd just head out to the library."

"Are you sure?" She asked me.

"Positive." I gave her a smile. "How about you?"

"Maybe later. I have some errands to run."

I nodded and said,"Okay, then. See you later."

"Bya, Chika!"

I removed my scarf and wrapped it again around my neck. Then, I took my tote bag from my right shoulder and placed it on my other shoulder but after only a few seconds, I got irritated with it and placed it back on my right shoulder.

"I really am going crazy." I mumbled to myself.

MY PROFESSORS HAVE a hobby of spitting out assignments everyday like they had all the time in the world to mark all of them. How nice of them.

I was crouching down to get a reference book from the lower shelf to add to my pile of others sitting on my table when I spotted him through the gap between the books. He was sitting on the floor with a book in his hands and had a very serious face on.

He goes to this university?

Of all the schools he could have applied to, he had to be where I was. I rolled my eyes to myself as I thought about the whole situation.

Can this get any worse?

Yeah, well I blame myself for thinking of that because it did in fact get worse because as I was having my monologue I was caught by the guy staring at him through the gap. He had his book closed with a finger to mark where he stopped reading. He had a small grin on as he looked at me. I felt my eyes widening and I hurriedly shoved the book back to where I took it. I didn't need that book anyway. I practically ran back to my table and built a freaking fort in front of me with all the books that I already had.

"Seen a ghost?"

I let out a small shriek and I closed my eyes tightly when I realized that I just humiliated myself in the library again. Cleo didn't even have to dance this time. Speaking of which, "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to finish my assignments just like my beautiful best friend." Cleo smiled innocently at me.

"You need help don't you?" I smirked at her as I placed my elbows on the table and settled my chin on my palms.

"You know I hate Math." She wailed as she planted her face on to the table and groaned.

"I'M REALLY, REALLY, really sorry, Cara."

"It's fine."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She then hugged the living daylights out of me as I tried to breathe in some air for oxygen to circulate my body. Cleo has always been very affectionate.

"I owe you a big one. You don't know how grateful I am, Cara." Cleo beamed at me causing me to smile along.

"As long as you don't reward me by bringing me to some party." I told her. "Or a club."

"Some guy, then?" she suggested with a coy smirk appearing on her face as she packed her things in her bag and shouldered it. I rolled my eyes at her but felt my face heat up which made me bow my head slightly to allow the length of my hair to cover it.

"Just go and get your head filled with knowledge." I groaned while I grabbed my phone and pocketed it as we left. Cleo finally began studying a week before her exams started and that was a big improvement with her habit of not studying at all. I don't even know how she managed to pass her other exams. I bid her goodbye and she waved to me as we parted ways; with her to study and me to the bakery.

I pushed open the door and made my way to the backroom of the bakery. After grabbing and putting on Cleo's apron, I made my way back for opening hours and to manage the small bakery. The bakery was well-known here so it was often pretty busy with hungry customers. I often visit the place as well whenever it was Cleo's shift to accompany her, plus the cookies here were tasty for a college student who doesn't know how to cook.

It was already lunch time and Cleo was still gone. Meg, one of Cleo's co-workers, came just in time before I couldn't handle the rush hour in the bakery. It was a good thing I wasn't claustrophobic because it can get really stuffy during these hours.

"Could you grab the croissants from the oven?" Meg asked me as she handed me the empty tray to place them on.

"Sure thing." I told her.

After taking them out of the oven, I aligned them properly on the tray. Then, I brought them out to place them in their display boxes. I crouched down slowly as I balanced the tray in my arms to put them in.

"One of those, please."

"Sure thing." I said as I stood up to take a small paper bag to put the croissant in. I crouched back down and took one of the delicious looking bread. After putting it into the paper bag and folding the top part to keep it fresh, I looked up and found the one and only guy I have been trying not see, grinning handsomely at me.

My thoughts literally left me and I found myself staring at the single dimple on his right cheek as he continued smiling at me. Meg cleared her throat and I shook my head to compose myself. This is why I try to stay away from him. I cannot seem to think properly around him.

"How much would that be?" he asked with his smooth rich voice.

"Uhh. Um." I may or may not have forgotten the price of that certain bread.

Seriously not the right time to act like an uneducated person, Cara.

Meg saved me by informing him the price. He then took out some bills and handed it to me. Bowing my head so that I won't see him, I busied myself with the register and with getting his proper change. No need to act like I can't subtract as well.

"Thank you." He said as I handed him his change.

"Welcome." I squeaked.

He was about to leave when he turned back again and I panicked, thinking that I didn't give him the correct change. He then said, "Oh, and Cara. See you in class later."

We had a class together?

"Uh, yeah sure." I nodded at him.

And with that, he left with a smirk on my face while I try to think of the times when we had the same lectures together. How could I have not notice him before? It was impossible to miss a guy like him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2015 ⏰

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