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Luo Zhixing shouted wronged, "How dare I? Sitting on this ice-carved daffodil here, those women in the earthly world can still see it, right?"

What responded to him was Ruan Qingyuan's understatement in his eyes. When he was upset but didn't want to lose his temper, he had long eyelashes hanging down, hiding his beautiful peach eyes, and his eyes drooping slightly.

He looked like a bully, waiting for you.

If you move it again, he immediately scratches your paw.

Like a cat. Luo Zhixing muttered to himself.

Su Qingyuan wasn't the boy who was always beating people back then. He knew that Luo Zhixing had this kind of lip service.

He didn't care about him. When he really wanted to, he would settle the old accounts together.

"Of course I haven't studied psychology. It's just that I know Ruan Mingcheng too well."

After all, he have been fighting for a lifetime.

Then he said, "What he lacks the most now is money. Naturally, he can save money. After all, he has pressed too much money in this new product, and he can't afford to lose. The expensive land in the city, the patent fees of the three giants The liquidated damages of Zhang Hong and others for job-hopping, the high endorsement fee of Changqing, one after another, are the sword of Damocles hanging over his head. He can't get the money now, but he will still do things. Yes, who is the most popular now? The topic is the highest?"

He raised his eyes, his eyelashes were curled up, and his peach eyes were charming.

"Naturally it is me, and Yu Jingshu's legacy behind me. I don't need to think about what path he takes, as long as I add a little bit of temptation, he will rush on crazy, like a mad dog."

Su Qingyuan glanced across the screen and fell on Zhang Hong's message.

"Just a little bit of weakness, the other side naturally flaunts his strength, and immediately overturns the cards, wishing to make me cry."

Zhang Hong's words evoked huge repercussions, and the image of Su Qingyuan that was outlined for a while was very different from the previous one, which was controversial.

Seeing that his enthusiasm was enough, Ruan Mingcheng sat on the sofa and drank red wine. 

But before he had time to be happy, the pheasant marketing company, which has been forgotten, issued a video with a title.

The main content of the video is that Zhang Hong and Ruan Mingcheng met in a coffee shop on a certain day. 

Although there is some music in the cafe, some sounds can still be heard with the support of subtitles.

[Zhang Hong]: President Ruan called me out today for coffee.

The two people looked at each other, and the indifferent greetings were no longer needed. Now that both of them have come here, it naturally shows that both parties are interesting, but the final key interests are still being negotiated.

Ruan Mingcheng went straight to the topic: Zhang Lao, you are also an old man of Jinglan Group, with rich experience, I think my ineffective son has extremely disrespect for you, so why bother to compromise? My Mingxin Group always welcomes you. As long as you are willing to come, I will give you a double annual salary, how about? Isn't your grandson about to take the high school entrance exam? When my land is developed, I will also give you a school district room, and give you what you want.

The salary was really good, Zhang Hong was very excited, and the two discussed the details of salary. 

Ruan Mingcheng faintly said, "But there is one thing that I still need your help."

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