chapter six

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When you arrived Cedric was already there, flying on his Firebolt high in the air. He turned his head to you and you could see him flash a smile. While he was staring at you, his broom started to fly down and you saw him crash to the ground. You ran up to him while laughing.

"Ced what happened! I thought you were good at quidditch." you asked, while helping him up.

"I am good! I guess I just wasn't concentrating." he replied. He got up and took his broom.

"I didn't think you would come." he mumbled.

"Why wouldn't I?" you asked. "Just practice, I'll watch you!"

"Okay!" he said, and got onto his broom again and his cheeks got red.

While watching Cedric search for the Golden Snitch, you realised it was colder than you imagined. You shivered because of the cold wind. I should've brought a sweater, you thought to yourself. After Cedric caught the snitch, he looked at you and you saw his brows furrow. He flew down to you and sat next to you.

"Are you cold?" he asked.

"A little. I didn't know it would get so chilly!" you replied.

"Here." he said.

He took off his yellow quidditch sweater. The sweater had his last name, "Diggory" at the back. Cedric got back on the broom, smiled, and threw the Snitch into the air again. He gave me his sweater.

You felt your cheeks getting red and put on the sweater. It was warm and smelt like cologne and roasted almonds.

You watched him practise some more while still sniffing the sweater. You never wanted to take it off. You felt the butterflies in your stomach turn to elephants.

You and Cedric were exchanging glances and blushing, while Cedric caught the snitch a few times. 

It was getting colder and colder, so finally Cedric got off his broom.

"It's getting late. I'll get you to your dorm Y/N". said Cedric, and he started walking off.

"Do you want your sweater back?" you asked. You hoped he didn't.

"Cedric turned around and winked. "Keep it."

You walked with him while discussing Cedric's quidditch skills. He was a pretty talented seeker. Cedric was constantly looking away and stuttering. Once you got to the girl dorms, he flashed another shy grin and called "Bye Y/N, see you tomorrow!"

He started to walk away but paused, and turned back around.

"I'm really happy you came." he blurted, and his cheeks got all rosy.

"I'm happy too, Ced. I'll see you at breakfast. Good night." you answered. You ran to your form to tell your friends everything! Am I starting to like him?  you thought. Does he like me? Was Cho really right?

You finally got to your dorm and opened the door, Hannah and Emma were patiently waiting on the beds.

"Y/N!!Oh my god how was it! Did he kis-?" started Emma.

"Bloody hell Emma no! I'll tell you everything right now."

"You better." added Hannah.

You guys all sat on the beds and giggled about how you and Cedric were both all red the whole time. Hannah and Emma were convinced Ced liked you, but you still had doubts.

𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 (cedric x reader)Where stories live. Discover now