Episode two: "Snowy days"

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Hello, hi! Welcome back to a brand new episode of DreamingStrange! This dream is a strange dream I had last night, and it's pretty complicated and weird so the writing will be sort of messy. But, since I wanted to write it down before I would forget it, here we are!

- I have had many creepy/weird/funny/random dreams during my life, and writing them down has made me remember many, so I will be updating this  book whenever I remember a dream clearly and am feeling like writing. Also, some of my books have these weird "sequels" that continue after the dream I had seen earlier. And this one is a good example. 

Now, let us begin with the dream I'll be telling you about.

Episode two: "Snowy days"
(Trigger warning: sad shit)

- Alright so, this dream isn't just one dream, it's many related dreams combined with each other. They're all the same story and each dream was like a new chapter. I think I was about 4-6 years old when I saw these dreams, most likely I was 6. Anyways, It all started in my "dream-town". I was playing outside with my dad in the snow, when I noticed a tall boy, older than me alone. He had dark brown curly hair and a long-sleeved shit with white and black stripes. He also had blue jeans and black shoes. I decided to talk to him so he wouldn't be lonely, but then then I realized that he didn't speak my language, so I decided to teach him. He was overall a quiet boy. I actually think I never heard him speak a word. Anyways, I somehow found out that he had no family and no place to live, so me being the good girl I was I decided to build him a home. Since I was only 6 at the time I figured that I should just dig him a tunnel in the snow, but not like straight down. There was this one part of land a pretty little one that had two roads go beside it. There was a little hill so the ground was moving up there. And I thought that I should dig the tunnel there, so for the following 7 dreams I hung out with the boy and whenever he left in my dreams I continued building.

- In the end the snow tunnel was huge and had two rooms. The first one had a bookshelf, a furnace, a fridge and a counter. Then the second room had a bed with a teddy bear and a toilet with a sink. I was so proud of myself and wanted to show the home to my new friend. So, the next dream I told him that I had been preparing a gift for him, so I showed him the snowy house and he was in tears. He then spoke for the first time saying  "Thank you for everything you've done for me." I was proud of myself for helping my friend. We hung out at his house and learned to cook there, until I had to wake up. But then the next time I started dreaming I went over to his to get him to play with me. But.. He was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't find him anywhere I looked for him all around my dream-town and asked everyone if they had seen him, but no one saw him and neither did I. After looking for my dear friend for hours I returned to his home and sat down on his bed holding the teddy-bear I gave him. I cried so much. And then when I woke up I told my dad about the boy in my dreams disappearing (I had told my dad about my dreams and him before so he knew who I was talking about). And for years, I've been trying to look for my friend and every time I tell about these dreams  I feel like crying since this boy really was my friend, and that will never change. Somehow I kind of feel like he was a real person sharing their dreams with me. Anyways, I'm still looking for him in my dreams and  I hope that he's okay. I just wish he didn't die or something. Maybe I will find him again, during a snowy day.


- And here we are again. This story doesn't have much info in it since I was only 6years old when I had these dreams so I can't really remember every single detail. But, yeah so this concludes the very second "episode" of DreamingStrange and I really hope you've enjoyed my traumatizing dreams so far. This dream really made me think of how I had helped a person and how happy it made them. I still have the feeling that I want to help my friends and be kind to many people, since it made me feel so happy to make others happy. Kindness is always a good thing.

Thank you for reading the second episode of DreamingStrange, let us continue our confusion in the next dream!

Milla out!

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