Wedding Bells are ringing

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(It doesn't really fit with the time line of the film BUT oh well. 2 years later. 2018)

Blanche's dress was gorgeous and it fit her well. Having two children was tough but she was glad she had Eggsy to help. And she was happy to finally be marrying him.

"Blanche, you are going to be late." Hugo said as he entered her room. Then he gasped." Oh your Uncle Harry may cry when he sees you."

"You don't mind that he's walking me down the aisle do you?" Blanche asked. Hugo grinned.

"For the thousandth time, no. He deserves to. He raised you." He said. Blanche smiled and gave a slight nod.

"Where's Thea?" She asked.

"With your brother. Now, let's go." Hugo said and father and daughter left the room. They made their way downstairs and Blanche grinned when she saw her brother carrying her daughter.

"I'll take her." She said, taking Thea from him. She grinned. She was Eggsy all over, down to every last detail on her face. She was also very much a daddy's girl. She loved Eggsy to bits.

Harry and Eggsy clinked glasses. Harry grinned at him but Eggsy looked nervous. Harry had never seen him so nervous before. They placed their glasses down and stood in front of the mirror.

"What do you see?" Harry asked.

"Someone who can't believe what the fuck is going on." Eggsy replied.

"I see a man who is honourable...brave...loyal...who's fulfilled his huge potential. A man who's done something good with his life." Harry explained and Eggsy smiled.

"I owe you everything, Harry. Without you I wouldn't have even known Blanche and I wouldn't be a father to the most amazing children on the planet." Eggsy said." Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Harry replied with a grin." You ready?"

"Not a doubt in my mind." Eggsy replied and he was so happy he could cry.

"Dada!" Came a voice and Eggsy let out a slight chuckle. He turned around and his son came rushing over to him.

"Hey, Buddy, are you ready?" Eggsy asked, lifting him up as they began to leave the room. Harry watched with a smile." You're seeing mummy and Thea!"

"Mama!" Theo said and he smiled, which made Eggsy smile. Although they were twins, Thea and Theo Unwin were very different. Theo looked like Blanche and acted like Eggsy. Thea looked like Eggsy and acted like Blanche. Theo had dark brown hair whilst Thea's was ginger.

Harry hugged his niece tightly before they entered the church. Not only was he walking her down the aisle but he was Eggsy's best man. The music began to play and Blanche let out a nervous sigh. Arlo walked in first with Theo and then Daisy helped her niece walk in and scatter flowers. After that came Harry and Blanche. Everyone watched as they walked down the aisle and then Harry passed Blanche's hand to Eggsy, who was shaking. Blanche smiled.

"Hi." She said to him. They hadn't seen eachother in two days.

"Hello." He said with a wide excited smile.

The ceremony passed in a blur of tears and laughter and excitement. Eggsy's hands were still shaking as he slipped the ring onto Blanche's finger. She was a lot calmer when it came to putting his ring on his finger. Then came the moment. They were pronounced husband and wife and Eggsy kissed Blanche gently, everyone applauding happily. They pulled apart and grinned and then Hugo passed Theo to Blanche and Harry passed Thea to Eggsy.

Michelle and Harry looked extremely proud and they could hear Elton cheering. Blanche thought it was insane that he wanted to come to their wedding. Eggsy looked at his wife and smiled.

"Loud!" Theo groaned, burying his head into Blanche's neck. Blanche kissed the top of his head and Eggsy kissed Thea's cheek gently.

"Do we count as Highschool sweethearts if we got together when we were older?" Eggsy asked later on at the wedding reception.

"I'm counting it." Blanche said as she ate cake. Eggsy chuckled slightly.

"You've got some icing on your lip." He said, wiping it off gently. Blanche laughed and then sat back. Everyone was dancing to Queen." I love you."

"I love you too." Blanche said and Eggsy kissed her gently.

"Your uncle is so proud of you." He said.

"My uncle is more proud of you." Blanche corrected. Eggsy gave a nod and grinned." So you remember in year four when we had that fake wedding and Jamal was the officiator?"

"Oh my god and Brandon was best man?" Eggsy asked. Blanche laughed and nodded." And Ryan and Liam were bridesmaids for no reason."

"The good old days. Now we're parents." Blanche said, looking at the twins, who were with their auntie Daisy and Uncle Arlo.

"We definitely named them right, right?" Eggsy asked.

"They're two years old and now you ask!" Blanche stated with a laugh. Eggsy chuckled slightly." And yes, we did. Theodore Merlin Unwin and Thea Roxanne Unwin. Perfect names for perfect children."

Eggsy smiled and then they were summoned to the dance floor for their first dance. Elton John was singing their first dance song at their wedding. It was Your Song. Eggsy wasn't much of a dancer but he managed to not step on Blanche's feet. Half way through, the twins joined them. Eggsy had Theo half asleep, leaning his head on his shoulder, and Blanche had Thea who was talking in babble. The two smiled as they just swayed to the music.

Blanche was sat outside an hour later, heeding fresh air. It was dark and cold outside but she didn't mind. Her heels were beside her and she just looked up at the stars. Then someone joined her.

"I had a hunch you two would get married." Harry said. Blanche glanced up at him." Ever since that first day when you two were about four. I just had this hunch. I was right. I'm always right about a hunch."

"Thank you, uncle Harry." Blanche said and he looked at her.

"What for?" He asked.

"For everything. For raising me when dad couldn't. For believing in me. For coming back. For introducing Eggsy and I. Because without all that...I wouldn't have my amazing husband and my two gorgeous children. I owe everything to you." Blanche said and she started to cry.

"You'll ruin your makeup." Harry stated and Blanche chuckled as she wiped her eyes." I love you, Blanche, you know that, right?"

"I know that and I love you too." Blanche sniffed.

"I am so proud of the person you are. An amazing niece, a skilled agent and an awesome mother." Harry explained and then he started to cry." Sorry."

"Don't apologise for crying." Blanche said and Harry wrapped his arms around her tightly. She smiled and hugged him back.

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