The puppy and the Dane

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He was a young puppy when I got him. A bit young to be re-homed, but only by a week. He was so small and cute. His nose was covered in black fur while the rest of him was covered in a light brown, almost tan color. The car ride was definitely long for him. I had to stop at Walmart to grab a kennel and some potty pads, because my boss at the time said he could stay in the office while I worked so long as he was in a kennel, because he was so young. He ended up peeing on me after we got back in the truck.

During nights I allowed him to sleep on my bed because I have a cover to make sure dog pee or water didn't stain my mattress. It was odd how good he was about going potty on the pad, he never once, even that young, peed on my bed. Every night I'd fall asleep with my little puppy by my head, and whenever he had to potty he would kinda just throw himself off my bed with no care in the world. The first night he did that all I heard was a loud thump, which woke me up. I immediately looked over the edge of the bed to see if the puppy was okay. When I looked over I saw him get up, shake it off, and walk straight towards the potty pad all while avoiding my old Great Dane. After going potty my puppy would walk straight towards my giant teddy bear and lay on the leg to sleep.

I got the puppy because I knew my old dogs time was soon. My Dane was old, blind, deaf, and not too fond of small dogs, which was why I kept an extra eye on the two and made sure my bed separated the two for the first month or so. They did well together after that, though my Dane did snap at the puppy for getting too close to his food. The puppy watched himself around the Dane after that.

It took a couple months for them to start playing together. It was a fun sight, actually. They didn't play by biting, the puppy actually started playing chase. He ran in a way that made the floor vibrate enough for the Dane to know where the puppy was. Whenever the Dane scared the puppy, he would run away quietly, calm down, the start playing again. Both dogs were good boys. Both dogs were loved by many, yet few know of what happened to them both. A sad ending they had, though both were very different. One was kind and merciful, the other was not deserved and should never have happened.

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