chapter 5 😢😢💔😀😀

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Michael pov

I woke up and did all of my hygeine and things and i was taking the girls out today like i always do today. Ciara was downstairs cooking i went in jordyn room and woke her and jaylen or whoever the lil boy is up. "Get up" i said and walked out i walked in brae room and i couldnt believe my eyes. She quickly covered herself and so did lil jonathan. "Braelyn wtf" i said "Dad im sorry i can expl- Theres nothing to explain get out" i said to jonathan and he grabbed his clothes and put them on and left out.

"U will no longer see him nor talk to him" i said in my angry voice. "Dad im sorry i didn- I dont wanna hear it and get dressed im taking u and ur sister out" i said and slammed her door. I heard her crying i couldnt believe her.

Braelyn pov

He slammed the door and i instantly broke down. I really can't talk to him anymore i got out of bed and got ready and stuff. My mom came in the bathroom. "Braelyn" she said softly "I dont wanna talk about it" i said and started putting my joggers on. "Look ik u dont want to but your dad over reacted an- I dont wanna talk about it okay so please just- just leave me alone" i said. She walked out and i cried i seen jon calling me. I was about to pick it up "No" i heard my dad say. "Bu- NO" he said.

I rolled my eyes fighting back tears "Give me ur phone"he said and i gave it to him. He left out and i finished and stuff.

I went downstairs and seen jordyn i guess jayden left

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I went downstairs and seen jordyn i guess jayden left. "Braelyn go change" my dad said "Whats wrong with the outifit she has on?" mama asked. "Look at it im not letting her go out like that im taking them out" he said. "Babe just let her wear i- No its fine ill go change" i said and walked upstairs "Braelyn" jordyn said. "Not right now jordyn" i said and locked my room door. I changed my clothes

I grabbed my shoes and put them on and went back downstairs

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I grabbed my shoes and put them on and went back downstairs. "U want sum foo - No" i said and walked outside and leaned on my lambo that i got for my 16th birthday. "Braelyn dont cut me off talk to me" my mom said. "I just dont wanna tal- Your going to" mama said. She walked over to me and lifted my head up "You've been crying" she said i turned my head the other way not wanting to show the tears that were about to roll down my cheek any minute. "He was the only person that actually made me feel loved now what i wasn't even with him for a week and now were just over" i said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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