Chapter 2: Escaping The Chamber

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January 2013
1 Month before Elimination Chamber
1 Night after Royal Rumble
Monday Night RAW

After a recap of last night's events, CM Punk makes his way to the ring. Unsure of what happened last night, he then goes on to brag about how he won. Even with the odds against him, he still came out on top, and he pinned none other than Chris Jericho. Suddenly strange voices come out of the arena speakers. The words "Seven" and "Cheater" are spoken over and over, overlapping each other, causing CM Punk to snap. He says that he saw what last night's graphics said. He saw what his "name" was. He wants to know who did it. He wants that person...that coward to show himself. The titantron shows a picture of Daniel Bryan from last night, with the words "Wait your turn", before turning off.

After the break CM Punk is running around the backstage area, looking for the person who's doing these things, when he runs into Triple H. Triple H tells him not to worry about that, they're sorting it out. And that he should worry about the Elimination Chamber match, because he'll be taking on the six men who lost in the Championship tournament. Punk laughs, but Triple H says that he's serious, causing Punk to walk away.

Later in the night, during a match, a video plays, with six people tied to chairs. The word "Seven" flashes a few times before everything goes back to normal.

At the end of RAW, CM Punk walks to the ring, and dares whoever's doing this to show themselves next week.

January 2013
1 Month before Elimination Chamber
Friday Night SmackDown

The words "Seven" flash a few times.

The main event is a six-man tag between the challengers in the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber match.

January 2013
3 Weeks before Elimination Chamber
Monday Night RAW

The show starts with CM Punk awaiting the person responsible for everything that's been happening lately. Instead, Alberto Del Rio comes out, and tells him that he shouldn't forget about the men in the Elimination Chamber match. Punk says that they aren't as important as they think they are, and tries to leave, before Del Rio stops him. He tells him that *he's* not as important as he thinks he is, and that he'll definitely lose at Elimination Chamber, since he won't have the help of whatever or whoever's been messing with the entire WWE. Punk asks him if he knows what he's insinuating, and walks away.

Backstage, Triple H asks CM Punk if Alberto Del Rio was on to something. Punk tells him to not be stupid, and Triple H tells him that he's in the main event tonight, against Del Rio. Punk says "Whatever", and walks off.

During the night, the words "Follow", "Seven", "Cheater", and "Those who can't lead" flash randomly on the tv screens.

For the main event, WWE decided that they needed no camera troubles, and when analogue. The main event went off without a hitch, but after the match, while still in analogue, everything shut off. When they got the equipment working again, Del Rio was gone, and the word "Sin" was spray painted on the canvas.

January 2013
3 Weeks before Elimination Chamber
Friday Night SmackDown

Both AJ Lee, and the Big Show no-show for matches. WWE issues a press statement saying that the superstar and diva was being fined.

February 2013
2 Weeks before Elimination Chamber
Monday Night RAW

Backstage, CM Punk feels that there's more going on than anyone's realising, but no on believes him. He says that no one backstage is safe, and some people take that as a threat to them from him. He assures them that it isn't, before Chris Jericho jumps in and says that Elimination Chamber competitors are disappearing all over the place, and the only one benefiting is Punk. Punk says that Jericho's just angry that he didn't win at the Royal Rumble, and Jericho punches him. They start to fight, but the locker room keeps them apart.

Later, CM Punk makes his way to the ring, and demands that person responsible show themselves immediately. Christian comes out, and says that last week Del Rio called him out, and he disappeared, so as far as he's concerned, Punk is the one responsible. Punk asks what he has to do to prove that it's not him, when someone finds Chris Jericho missing from his locker room. Everyone suspects Punk, when every screen in the building shows a masked man. He says "ask, and you shall receive". He then pans out and shows five people tied to chairs. He says to stay tuned, before the video disappears.

After the main event, CM Punk is leaving, when he gets a message on his phone. He walks back into the arena, and into the ring. The screens show the masked man again. He moves to the tied up people and removes their masks. Daniel Bryan, Alberto Del Rio, AJ Lee, The Big Show, and Chris Jericho. When everyone's masks are removed, the show ends with them all laughing uncontrollably.

February 2013
Monday Night RAW

CM Punk isn't on RAW this week, but the five people who were unmasked last week show up at random places. The words "Follow", and "Those who can't lead" show up all night.

February 2013

The pay-per-view goes unblemished until the main event.

Before the match, Christian is found knocked out, and Chris Jericho is added to the Elimination Chamber.

The match starts with CM Punk, Randy Ortan and Chris Jericho. Jericho is a bit weird, only attacking Randy Orton, even if Punk is attacking him. After 90 seconds, the cell malfunctions and all the doors open, releasing Alberto Del Rio, The Big Show, The Miz, and John Cena. Del Rio, Big Show, and Jericho start attacking everyone, save for CM Punk. The lights go out.

When the lights come back one, the three of them are gone.

Remaining Competitors: CM Punk (c), Randy Orton, John Cena, and The Miz.

CM Punk is sitting in the corner looking at the rest of the competitors, layed out. He pins The Miz for the one, two, three, before going to Orton, but he only gets a two.

Remaining Competitors: CM Punk (c), Randy Orton, John Cena

CM Punk goes for John Cena, but Randy Orton attacks him from behind. He tries for Cena, but Cena kicks out. Orton turns his attention to Punk, and so does Cena. Every time they try to attack CM Punk, a piercing scream tears through the arena. Punk uses this to his advantage and hits Orton with a GTS for the three count.

Remaining Competitors: CM Punk (c), John Cena

Cena tries to hit the AA, but the scream gets him off base, and Punk hits the GTS to retain his title.

Winner: CM Punk

After the match, the masked man appears on the titantron. He says "The Seven Sins will win," before flashing the word "Gluttony" to end the show.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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