Chapter 006

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Chapter 006

The afternoon commenced with the cultural activities by middle school. All the skits and dance performances were huge hits. Suki sat on the stage with the other kids to recite poetry. Mr. RK had initially selected ten poems, but after a long conversation with the headmistress, it was reduced to three. Suki was happy to recite the shortest poem while Richa struggled through hers.  

Throughout the afternoon, she felt Chinu's eyes on hers. But she ignored her. Chinu had tried to approach her before she got dressed for the skit, but Suki had avoided her then as well. Richa who had been watching them had said, "Ooh! So you both have had a fight? No wonder, you just put your name on the model! How mean!" Chinu had glared at her and left. But she made up her mind to apologize to Suki before the prize distribution. 

A short break was announced between the cultural activities and the prize distribution. Chinu hunted for Suki and finally found her in front of their model. 

"I am sorry. Very very sorry. Will you forgive me?" she asked. 

"Why did you do this?" asked Suki.  

"I failed to understand the true meaning of ecofriendly house. I was so proud of my creation, but it was you who put the design. I am sorry. If you had not come in time to answer the questions..." 

"It's okay!" Suki smiled for the first time in days. Chinu was sometimes hasty but she knew deep inside, she was her true friend. "We did it together. You built what I designed. That is so important too." 

"Yes!" Chinu smiled through her tears. 

As they turned to go back to the auditorium, Chinu said, "Wait!" She quickly removed her name card and replaced it with another one that had both their names. 

"It's a little too late for that, isn't it?" a nasty voice floated to them. 

"Richa was standing there with a few others from their class. 

"It's never too late to say sorry or to correct one's mistakes, Richa," Suki spoke before Chinu could retort. "I hope you do too. Next time, instead of building a pink candy building, try building it as per concept." 

"Yes, we don't need any more cotton candy here" said Chinu. All the students laughed loudly. Richa turned on her heel and left. 

Soon after, Mr.Sahukar took the stage to declare the name of the much-awaited Grand Prize winner. "Children, I am very happy to be here. We all must learn and understand our responsibilities towards the environment. Each one of you must do all you can to save electricity, water and use more of the natural resources, but very sparingly, without wasting them. Remember, nothing is too small - every little step will make a big difference saving the environment," said Mr. Sahukar. "As one student told me that is Freedom. Independence day with a different thinking...."  

"All the exhibits here today, are wonderful. To me, all of you are winners. However as I have only one prize to give away, it goes to the model house of "Sukanya Bharadwaj and Chinmayee Rao". Mr.Sahukar's announcement was greeted with thunderous applause. 

Suki and Chinu were standing behind everyone else in the back of the auditorium and she looked stunned as her name was announced. Chinu clasped her hands and tugged her hand. Together they ran up to the stage to collect their prize! 

August turned to a cooler September. Couple of weeks into the month, the sixth standard students were in for a surprise mid-September. A new girl joined their class. The headmistress, Mrs. Srinivas brought her to their class and introduced her. "Class! This is Akashi Sinha. She is also new to Bangalore, and just not to this school. She moved from Bombay. Please welcome her and show her around. Now, why don't each one of you stand up and introduce yourself?" 

All the kids dutifully stood up and yelled their name out. Akashi looked glazed at the end of it. She was not wearing the school uniform. Instead, her blue and gold churidhar and matching accessories seemed more appropriate for a party. But she was very pretty. She looked around curiously with large brown eyes. 

Mrs. Rao asked Akashi to sit next to Chinu. "Suki is out. And I want to continue with this lesson. I will rearrange your places tomorrow." The class groaned. They would be shuffled and a few unlucky friends wouldn't get to sit next to each other. Chinu was a little worried and fervently hoped that and Suki wouldn't have to move. She went back to her paper plane ignoring Akashi. 

Akashi looked around a little haughtily that effectively discouraged any friendly gestures. She covertly watched Chinu's fingers deftly make the plane and thought that she might be an interesting person to hang out with, a little rough around the edges maybe, unless she found someone else with a better fashion sense perhaps. Or she could give Chinu a few tips. Those unpainted nails would look prettier in pink. 

"Hi, I am Akashi" she said in what she thought was her softest and friendliest voice. 

"I know," said Chinu. "I am Chinmayee. You can call me Chinu." 

Akashi was prepared to launch into the story of her life, the trials and tribulations of the move, but Chinu did not ask her anything more. One thing that Akashi hated more than anything else was being ignored. She pouted prettily at the indifference and turned away from her.  

The next lesson was history. She had as little interest in that as any other subject. Akashi yawned. She had stayed up late last night carefully choosing her accessories ignoring her parent's warnings to sleep early and wake up early. She had to rush through her makeup. But the principal had asked her to wipe the face off of all makeup. She was miffed at her. She yawned again. She thought how she would make a grand entrance into the classroom and all the kids would nearly swoon seeing her beauty, grace and fashionable attire. She would choose where she sat. Her teachers would not give her any homework. All the girls would ask her for advice regarding clothes. She would guide them and... Her eyes drooped.... And soon she was fast asleep. 

A loud yell jolted her awake. She slowly opened her eyes and to her horror, the entire class was staring at her, some grinning and nudging others. The history teacher, Usha was aghast and at the same time amused. Akashi slowly and gracefully got to her feet. "I am..." she said.  

But before she could finish, Vivek yelled, "Sleeping Beauty!" 


Ha ha!! Let's see what Akashi is upto. Some more interesting things in store after Suki is back. Keep reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2015 ⏰

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