This wasn't in the book Jade!

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🎄Merry Christmas🎄

Tori awoke to a chuckling Jade, and knew at once she was in Trouble.

She opened her eyes and looked at the clock next to her, it was 11:50pm.

"Wakey Wakey Vega, I'm afraid there's something you missed!" Jade had a Mischievous edge to her voice

Tori sighed before turning to her friend. "What Jade? What did I miss?"

Jade's voice was oddly soft and almost...sultry? When she spoke, "Look up darling."

Tori's face turned bright red when Jade called her 'darling'.
She then did as she was told, causing her mouth to form an 'o'

It was some soft Christmas lights around a mistletoe 

Jade looked at her a huge grin, challenging that of the grinch, forming on her face.

"Need some help Vega?" Jade mocked innocence

"Very funny Jade!" Tori looked at her companion.

Jade smirked, causing Tori to bite her lip and crease her eyebrows.

The goth gently placed her pale hand on the latina's cheek.
Jade leaned in and gently kissed Tori.

She pulled away slightly

"Merry Christmas Tori." Jade whispers, her warm breath on Tori's lips.

Tori closed the gap between them again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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