14; wild emotions (last chapter)

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-3151 words-

~author pov~

~time skip; 1 and a half months~

y/n was now too weak.. she could barely move anymore, and barely had the strength to talk now.

just a month ago she was lively. she was running around the shopping centre with chuuya following shortly behind her with her bags in hand. she had a smile plastered on her face, enjoying the little amount of time she had left.

but this came too soon.

she was only 23. she hadn't completed all of the things she wanted to do yet.

she still wanted to go cliff diving in the summer time.

she wanted to have a water balloon fight with alastair like old times.

she wanted to talk to her parents again.

she wanted to do a movie marathon with chuuya.

she wanted more dates with him.

more cuddles.

more forehead kisses.

she wanted more.

but instead she gets death.

she felt greedy, in a way. she had wanted all of these things before death, but she never truly needed them.

they were all wants in her life, but the only things she needed was a happy life with the ones she loved.

and she barely got that, either..

yeah she is with the man she loves, but she never really had much time with him as a couple.

they always "hung out" for missions at the port mafia, but only recently did they start to hang out off the clock.

when she was younger, she had imagined she would meet someone amazing and fall in love. she had imagined she would spend her life with that person, get married and have a kid or two with that person.

she ended up finding the one she loved, but now, she really was spending the rest of her life with him. she had thought it would last longer than the short amount of time they had together.


y/n was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the front door open and close with a light slam.

  "y/n im back." chuuya said, walking into the room which she was bedridden to. he was holding a small plastic, along with two cups of coffee.

  "h-hey.." she smiled lightly, he voice sounded cracked and shaky. chuuya sighed quietly, sitting beside y/n and placing the bag on the floor.

  "dont waste your energy on greeting me every time i come back from something." he shook his head, handing y/n her coffee.

she could just barely hold her coffee up, her hands shaking as she clasped it between them. chuuya adjusted the blanket around her so he could get under it too, scooting close to her.

we'll meet again - chuuya x reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now