Part 14. Her truth?

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Iseul's POV

We both reached the mansion and we both were so tired, we made our way in the living room to tell the auntie Min that we are back.

As we opened the door of the living room we saw Auntie, uncle, Suga and bts sitting there.

We both slightly bow at auntie and uncle "auntie we are back" I said as Jungkook out of nowhere suddenly hugged me "noonaaaaa where were you I came back before time today so we can play" he pouted while whining, me and yoongi chuckled "we both went for shopping" Yoongi said as Jungkook went to him "hyungggg please show me too" he whined as yoongi nodded while smiling "did you had fun my son" uncle said as yoongi nodded smiling.

"I should get freshed now" I said they nodded as I made my way out of the living room, I reached the bedroom and went inside the bathroom to take a bath.

After a few minutes I came out of the bathroom in my dress silk night dress.

I look around in the room as the lights were dim, no one was there, I stood in front of the mirror and started combing my hair.

While combing my hairs I was thinking about something while looking down, suddenly I felt two arms wrapped around my waist, I looked up in the mirror and saw................Suga.

He is back hugging me while his head is on my neck, I can feel his warm breathe on my neck, it send chills down my spine but still somehow it's calming and also making me nervous. It's a strange feeling.

" I making your heart beat fast I making you nervous......are you falling for me" he suddenly said with his deep husky voice " w..what you me...mean" I said while mentally face palmed myself for stuttering.

He turned me around slowly and looked into my eyes "Iseul......will you ever love me back......I know you don't feel the same and you are just here because of my bond and my life....but...." he paused "but what" I asked as he sigh and looked down "I can't capture you with me forever iseul.....I do want to live with you for the rest of my life but with your love" he explained as I sigh and said "Suga it's not like that.....the only problem is me myself.....I can't fall in love.....not only with you but no" I paused with a sad smile and said "I think it's time for you to know the truth Suga..........*looks down*"

Author's POV

Iseul took his hand and dragged him to the living room and stood in front of Mrs and Mr min "a..auntie I..I think it's time for Suga to know my truth" Iseul said while suga just looked at them confused. In the living room Yoongi Mr and Mrs Min were only there. Mr and Mrs min looked at each other and nodded "Suga sit here son" Mr min said suga just sat beside him, Yoongi was just looking at the whole chaos quietly confused.

"We know Iseul from a long time.......actually when Iseul's mom was pregnant with Iseul, she did something wrong, and that's why your grandpa the previous vampire ruler gave her mom a curse, that curse is her child's heart will be''s like the child can't feel pure happiness, love, warmth, the child itself can't fall in both tried to stop your grandpa but he is so angry that he didn't listen so when Iseul was born she never felt her own mothers love too....then when Iseul was 5years old your grandpa passed away....someone poisoned him, but before his death he told your father that he is guilty for what he did and also said that our child will be the one to melt her heart......that's why that day we went to her house to tell you this thing but that day we found out that Iseul's mom got into a car accident and died....that's why we send one of the most trusted vampire maid to take care of her and she did, she protected her, took care of her as her own child....When you said that you made a connection bond with Iseul...we understand that the things told by your grandpa is true....the destiny" mrs min explained Suga just looked at her with pity, while Iseul stayed calmed...........but they didn't notice Yoongi looking at her broken hearted knowing that she is already his own brother's now......that means he doesn't have a chance.

To be continued

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