Chapter ten: I kill for her.

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Violet see the man what to love, which means that the man who loves want his death and his family, Violet begins to have tear on the cheek and sob, Razor wonder what is the problem of invisible-girl, a another man who may be the guardian asks him.

"Do you know why she's crying when she sees you without your mask?" The guard asks. Razor looks invisible-girl then he raises his shoulder then he leaves the cell room, Elastic-girl looks at his daughter who has the heart break but on the other hand, Razor do not know that invisible-girl is Violet then she has a idea.

"My dear, you should show Razor who you are!" Elastic-girl said, Violet is trying to regain her esteem.

"Why do not I know if our story was true?" Violet request.

"Invisible-girl, do you believe in him?" Helen asked, Violet thought.

"I do not know anymore." Said Violet

"You know, invisible-girl, I think who do not know who you really are, I think you should show you the real ones." Said Bob, Violet think about it and she may be right, he does not know that I am invisible-girl.

"Guardian, I want to talk to Razor!" Order Purple, the guard looks at him curiously and then goes out to speak to someone and then comes back to his place to say.

"He will come." Said the guardian.

A minute later.

Razor returns to the cell room and then writes a note to the guard.


"This girl want to talk to you." Said the guardian, which point Invisible-girl, He put himself on the knees to be of level then he writes to ask.


"Before I want the guard to leave us alone!" Ordered Violet, Razor thought back and then motioned to leave, the guard out of the cell room, Razor stares at invisible-girl with all the attention.

"Razor, I know you're a good person because I know you better than you dress." Said Violet, Razor looks curiously.

"I know you on Nick's name, I know because I wanted to tell you, but I could have you push me away." Said Violet, Razor wonders who can know who his identity is, and then he remembers the only person who feels good about himself.

"I know you because I am." Said Violet who is slowly withdrawing are mask then she shows him purple parr, Razor has the breath cut, Razor has delivered she is his family right to death some, Violet to see Razor's big eyes on shock then his knock on the door.

"Razor heap you finished with the prisoners?" Ask the guardian, Razor gets up and then goes to the door but before going out he looks Violet then he leaves, Violet surrendered are mask then he asks his mother.

"Why did you want me to reveal myself?" Violet asks, Helen looks at the guard and then he sees who's sleeping.

"Because I wanted to see her reaction is I can see who really cares about you Violet, you make her think." Said Helen.

"Do you believe her going to help us escape?" Bob asks.

"If Nick or Razor really care about you, Violet, I'm sure all will be fine." Said Helen

One hour later

Knock on the door, the guard opens the door to see Razor giving him a letter and then keeping it read.

"Ok all the world its the hour of the execution" Announce the guard who ties them with special chain for who has super power, the guard gives the chain to him Razor then it leaves towards the places of the execution but is in a room and Razor shows him a key.

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