Can I melt the ice?

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Yuri pov

It's been a while since I kissed Sica. She said we're a "thing" so I assume she agree on this relationship. The day she said I Love U to me was so unforgettable. Unlike TaeNy couple we haven't done it.

But seriously they really need to control their hormone. I swear I heard them a lot of time. They're seriously are empty without each other since they filled each other up.

Sica seem to be distant for the past week. I wanted to talk to her but I just haven't find the right timing.

I went to the kitchen and grab a bottle of drink before going out to the park. I wore a black hoodie so I was unrecognizable.

I saw two figures near a tree talking but I decided to ignore them. But my boredom won't let me.

"Thank u so much for confessing to me Donghae I'll be glad to accept that offer!" A familiar voice said.

My eyes threatened to let tears flow but I know what to do best. I won't let anyone take her. She's mine and that's permanent.

With clenched fist I took a step infront making them realize that I was there. "Y-Yuri?" she stuttered.

"I-I can e-explain!" She said stepping forward towards me. I took a step back. "Jessica..." I called her in a cold tone. I saw her taking a gulp. "Dorm.Now." I turned around and went ahead to our dorm.

Nobody is at home. TaeNy stayed in a hotel so that they won't be late for their schedule since it was much more nearer from there.

I sat down on the couch and waited for her. My heart is shaking violently with rage. So this is why she was distant from me. Doesn't kiss me and even called us a thing!

I heard the door open so I decided to stay calm. I don't want any shouting. I'll just discuss this quietly.

"Yuri it's a mis-" "So Jessica Jung Sooyeon, loving your life?" I cut her.

"I'm happy because I'm with u will u please let me explain." she pleaded. "Are u happy with him?" She shook her head and massage her temples. She looks irritated. This make me more tick off.

Who's the one supposed to be mad! For god sake it should be me. That's it Jessica. You're done.

I took her hand and pulled her into our bedroom. I switch on all of the lights and went out to TaeNy room. After taking some stuff from there I go in only to see Jessica's red eyes staring into mine.

"You need to be punish" I said coldly while showing the handcuff. Her eyes widened and she stood up. "I'm sorry Yuri but please let me explain it's a misunderstanding!" She protested while stepping back slowly. I pulled a chair into the spacious corner slowly while smirking at her.

"No can do princess. I'm doing this for ur own good. So that you'll remember me forever." I grabbed her roughly and pushed her to the chair. I clicked the handcuff and her eyes won't stop raining.

"Shh don't cry Sica baby." I hushed her and wipe her tears with my thumb. "I love u Yuri! U don't understand!" "I love u too Sica and we're a thing for a while so doing this is not wrong."

I shushed her with my lips. I sat on top of her and took off the rubber band, making her hair fall down. I felt her kissing me back but I felt her hand shaking to be released. I stood but no letting go of her lips and tore her shirt into half.

She shrieked and trying to break the kiss. I was out of air too but I want her to feel a bit dizzy. She turned her head roughly catching me off guard and looked at me with red eyes. She doesn't look like she wants me to stop though it was just a glare.

The usual glare I see. I unbuttoned her shorts and pulled it down with her underwear. I licked my lips looking at that. "Yuri." she said coldly making me look at her.

I felt guilty. Really guilty actually. I did it with force. It's all full of lust now. Her eyes flow down with tears. My heart soften. I hate seeing her like this.

"I'm so sorry Sica I didn't mean to do this." I said while looking down. I took the key and unlock her handcuff. Her arms suddenly cling onto my neck and she jump. By reflex I caught her but only to touch her bare butt.

She smirked at me but I really didn't get the message. She was crying but now she's smiling. She leaned closer to me kissed me slowly. Again I got turned on. Come one a hot girl wrap around u naked. Her melons were against mine. Even her under...

"I want u but just not today. I'm really not in the mood. Btw I was just helping Donghae oppa confessing his feelings for Eunhyuk oppa." she said while smiling. She got down and dressed up.

I stood there trying to absorb the information. That attractive guy... is gay??

"Yes he's gay." She said. Wow I mean Sica is attractive too but Donghae oppa?? "Ikr I thought the same way but love is love." she said.

"Mind reader" I mumbled. She just smiled at me and got ready for bed. I did the same and we went into deep slumber.

I regretted on what I did. She wasn't ready. I must be crazy in love with her.

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