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"Sana, are you pregnant?" Jihyo asked in worry after seeing Sana's weird behavior. 

"What kind of question is that?" Sana chuckled nervously before deciding to wash her face.

"I'm serious..." The latter said.

"I don't know," Sana replied.

"I don't want to remind you about that guy or what he did to you, but have you thought about it?" Another question was made by the latter while looking at her waiting for an answer. Sana just stared at her in confusion.

Noticing her puzzled reaction, Jihyo speaks further.

"You're acting weird these past few weeks. Like eating foods you don't usually eat." Jihyo said. "We know how much you hate broccoli, but you even finished it which was odd." 

Sana just listened to what the big-eyed girl was saying while she was wiping her face with a clean handkerchief. 

"Also, you often felt dizzy and throwing up. Did you go to the hospital, or clinic for a checkup after what had happened to you?" 

That question echoed in Sana's mind. She thought about it before, but she just shrugged it off not liking the idea that she might be carrying a child in her tummy. She told herself she was just stressed that's why she often felt dizzy.

"No, I hadn't—not even once." Sana honestly replied. Mina and Momo got inside as well. 

"Girl, it's affirmative. Something is living inside your belly." Momo stated.

"You're not helping," Mina said as she nudged the latter.

"Sana, I think we need to go to the hospital to make sure about your current condition. Because if you're not pregnant then, what is actually happening to you?" Jihyo asked.

"You guys are thinking too much. I'm fine I was just stressed, that's all. But if that makes you stop worrying then fine, let's go to the hospital." Sana replied calmly as if she's not worried about what would be the result.

'I hope it's not what I think it is,' She thought.

The four girls then went out after a quick retouch and Jihyo drove them to the nearest hospital.
Meanwhile, Mr. Minatozaki slammed his hand on the table when he received bad news from Jeongyeon and Mark. They found out that Tzuyu got out of jail two weeks ago.

Earlier that day, Mark and Jeongyeon went to the prison to beat him up again, but to their dismay, the criminal was no longer there. 

"How come that happened when he doesn't even have a lawyer to defend him! He doesn't have money to pay one, yet he managed to get freed? How did he get out? This can't be happening! What kind of police are watching over that criminal!" He exclaimed. Anger was clearly shown on his face. 

"Uncle he didn't escape, someone did this for him. But we didn't get to know who it was because they didn't give any info about the person who helped him out." Mark explained. 

"We also asked for his whereabouts and the person he's related to, but we got nothing," Jeongyeon added. 

"Damn it! I should've killed that jerk the first time they caught him!" He said angrily and told them to keep it a secret before leaving for work.
As for Sana, her friends hugged her assuring her that it'll be okay after the doctor confirmed that she was carrying a three-week-old fetus inside her and obviously the father was no other than him—Tzuyu.

Jihyo drove her home after she decided to tell her parents about it. She was nervous about what her parents' reaction will be once they found out their princess is carrying an unborn child.

Sana was now standing in front of the main door of their mansion, drowned in her thoughts thinking about how she will tell her parents.

The maids and butlers greeted her the moment she stepped inside. She then smiled at them like everything is fine. 

Sana directly went to the living room and there she saw her mom sitting on the sofa. She was then welcomed with a tight embrace. 

"Mom..." Sana's voice cracked and her eyes started getting blurry.

"What's wrong dear? What happened?" Her mom asked with worry and guided her to sit beside her. 

"Mom, I'm so sorry." Sana cried.

"What's going on with my baby? Why are you saying sorry?" Her mom asked.

"Mom I... I'm pregnant." Sana said covering her face with both of her hands. 

"I know..." Her mom said. This made Sana looks at her mom in surprise.

"I knew you are just by seeing your actions, but we can do nothing about it. It's already there." Her mom explained. 

"Aren't you mad at me?" Can't asked as she dried her tears.

"Of course, not! Why would I get angry with my one and only princess? I know you don't want it to happen—no one does—let's just accept it. It is still a blessing, every baby is a gift." Her mom said. 

"What about dad?" Sana asked.

"I'll talk to him later. He's in his office right now and he'll be back home tonight." Her mom said and kissed her cheeks before she guided Sana to her room so that she could rest. 

For some unknown reason, she felt happy thinking she was having a baby although she knew it was a result of someone's wrongdoing. 

Hours ran fast and her dad finally came back. Her mom talked to him about her condition and his dad has the exact opposite reaction of what her mom had.

"Sana is pregnant?! I can't accept that baby as my grandchild!" He exclaimed.

"It's a fruit of an inhumane doing and it will just ruin our family reputation!" He was already pissed after knowing the man who abused his daughter was now walking around freely and now he just heard that her daughter was pregnant. This made his rage erupted even more. As for Sana's mom, she remains calm.

"Then what do you want us to do?" His wife asked.

"Abort the baby, abort that child. I will never accept that in this family." He said coldly.

Unknowingly, Sana was eavesdropping on them witnessing everything her dad had said. She held her tummy while her tears started falling. 

"Abort? Hon, are you serious? Do you even hear yourself? It's a human we're talking about! Not just a toy!" Her mom shouts at him. The idea her husband wants, triggered her. 

"So, what? I don't care if you don't agree to do what I say. I will still do what I think was right for our daughter and our family. I'll call a doctor to get rid of that baby inside her right now. It will just bring shame to our family, besides I know she doesn't like it too." He was in the middle of explaining his plans when Sana suddenly barged in startling the two adults. 

"I can't believe you dad! This is a baby, it has a life. How come you think of killing it?" Sana exclaimed. 

"Sana, that's the best for you. We'll remove that baby whether you like it or not." He stated. 

"You're just thinking again about that reputation of yours! We're talking about life here, dad! If you don't like this baby inside me, you don't have to ask me to take it away like trash! Because I'd rather leave this mansion than to kill an innocent being." Sana replied before running out of the house.

"Sana! Get back here!" He shouted. Sana didn’t dare to look back and continue running to where her feet could bring her.

"What are you waiting for? Go after her and don’t come back without my daughter!” He shouted at their butlers who then flinched.

They then scram their way out of the building to look for their young mistress.

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