-Y/n's POV-
My alarm rang and I groaned while trying to shut it off violently. I stood up slowly and remembered that I'm going to a new school. I sighed and started getting ready.
I took a shower and dressed up. I went downstairs and saw my grandmother cooking me breakfast.
"Good Morning dear" she greeted and I replied the same.
"Are you excited?" she asked. "Not really. I'm just kind of worried. But its fine." I replied.
"Your 18th birthday is in 7 months. Did you find someone?" she asked.
Now, I was beyond worried. I completely forgot that I would die if I don't kiss someone before my 18th birthday. I don't know what to do...
They say that a butterfly tattoo will be on your wrist if you have already kissed your true love. Believe me, I have been searching for years. I have kissed some guys but no butterfly tattoo was formed.
I sighed and lost my appetite. "Don't worry dear, you will find him." my grandmother said and held my hand.
I began eating and started packing my things. I left the house and started walking to the bus stop. I stepped inside the bus and plugged in my earphones to listen to music.
I arrived and sighed. As soon as I went in, the students looked at me disgustingly. I didn't mind cause I got used to it at my previous school.
I got my schedule and went to room number 221. First subject was Math, great... I kept hearing whispers all over me and I just chose to draw on my notebook while waiting for the teacher.
Then I heard the door bang loudly. The girls were squealing and I raised my eyebrows in confusion. I looked at what they were looking at and chuckled. There were 5 boys and they were all good looking to be honest.
But one boy caught my eye, I felt something.... different.
The girls went to the boys and gave them food. "For you oppa" one of the girls said. I cringed and saw that the other boy didn't accept it. "Ew don't call me that." one of the boys said.
The girl looked disappointed and I couldn't help but snicker. "You think that's funny?" the girl said.
"I- I'm sorry..." I stuttered. The girl slammed my table with her hands and was about to speak but she got cut off.
"Leave her alone" one of the boys said. I looked at the one who spoke and it was the guy the caught my eye earlier. I made eye contact with him and felt butterflies all over my stomach.
The girl went back to her seat and groaned.
The boys went to their seats and talked. "Where the hell is Sunoo and Niki?!" one of them said. "I don't know. Somewhere?" one of them said and laughed.
The door opened and 2 good looking guys went inside.
"Where were you guys?" one of the guys said. "We were just eating chill" the other guy replied.
The teacher came in and we greeted her. "Good Morning class. There are some students that I don't know yet, so can you introduce yourselves?" she said and the whole class groaned.
"Come on..." the teacher added. "Let's start with the boys first. How about, you." she pointed at a guy and the guy groaned. "Why is it boys first anyways. Isn't it supposed to be ladies first?" the boy said.
The class laughed and the teacher told them to shut up. "Continue"
"Hi my name is Yang Jungwon, please take care of me" he said and sat down. The teacher pointed to another guy and the guy stood up. "Hi my name is Park Jongseong, you can call me Jay" he said.
The teacher pointed another guy "My name is Lee Heeseung" he said.
She pointed another one "Kim Sunoo. Please feed me a lot" he said and the class laughed. Another boy got picked "Park Sunghoon, I have nothing else to say." he said and sat down.
The teacher picked the boy that was sleeping and Sunoo woke him up.
"Yah. Niki! Wake up!" Sunoo whispered silently. He woke up and the teacher raised her eyebrows. "Well? Introduce yourself" the teacher said.
The boy stood up lazily and began. "Niki" was all he said and sat down. "That's it?" the teacher said.
"What else do I have to say?" Niki replied. I could tell that the teacher was getting pissed. "How disrespectful. Why are you even sleeping while I'm talking?" the teacher said.
"Well, why are you talking while I'm sleeping?" Niki replied and scoffed.
The 6 boys laughed and stopped when the teacher slammed the table.
"Detention for the 7 of you later." the teacher said. "Ok let's continue." she said then pointed to another boy. "Shim Jaeyoon. You can call me Jake." he said and I smiled.
The teacher kept on calling until it was the girls turn. She pointed at the girl who gave Heeseung food a while ago. "My name is Eunji, the prettiest girl in this class" she said and flipped her hair.
"Um. No your not" Jay said and the others laughed. Eunji sat down and the teacher picked me. God why me??
"My name is Y/n Y/l/n. I hope we can be friends" I said and saw Jake smiling. I blushed and sat down. "The teacher kept on calling people and I didn't pay attention anymore.
"Ok for today, I'm not gonna discuss any lesson. Let's end it here. And you" she pointed at the 7 boys.
"Detention later. Don't forget." she said and left the room. The whole class started leaving the classroom, including me.
A random girl approached me and waved hello. At first I was confused. "Hi!" she yelled making me jump a little.
"Hello..." I said quietly. "Don't worry. I'm your friend now! By the way, my name is Eunha. I'm Eunji's sister" she said and I smiled.
"I'm y/n" I said and she smiled. "So what's your next class?" she asked.
"PE" I replied. "Oh me too! Come on, I'll take you there" she said. At least I have someone to talk to.
We kept on talking about random things, but I suddenly bumped someone. I fell down and Eunha helped me stand up. "I'm so sorry." a man's voice said.
I looked up and saw that it was Jake that I ran into. "No its fine." I said and stood up. "My name is Jake" he said. "Yes I'm aware." I said.
"Ok bye I need to go to class" he said and waved goodbye. Eunha laughed and smirked.
"You like him" she said. "What? Me? Why?" I asked. "Come on y/n. It's too obvious." she said and patted my head.
"Let's just go please?" I said and she laughed. "Ok let's go!" she said.

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Fanfiction❝Can a girl have a soulmate who isn't human?❞ - In a world where everyone has to kiss their soulmate before their 18th birthday. Otherwise, they die. note 05/22/22: DONT READ THIS I BEG OF U LMFOAOOAOAOAOAKRBWKDBS 😭 - *I do not own any of the pict...