Ch. 6 The Courmarine City Showcase

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Quinn's POV-

Serena woke me up EARLY. I was never much of a morning person, always preferring late night training and so being up at 7 was a challenge. I had taught myself to wake up at 6 on a regular basis for training and to move quickly since I first started traveling through Hoenn. However, Serena waking me up at 5:30 am led to me and my Sylveon tackling her in retaliation. It was safe to say she, as well as the others learned a valuable lesson, Don't Wake Up Quinn (Or Her Pokémon) Before 6.

Clemont's reaction was priceless; however, and when Ash questioned why he was quivering behind him, he reluctantly explained how I reacted to him being the gym leader after being denied a battle at Lumiose City. Ash and Bonnie laughed, while Clemont commented that they wouldn't be doing such if they ever faced the wrath of an angry Quinn. Bonnie only agrees, shivering slightly, at the memory of me angry with Clemont.

Anyways let's just say Serena is lucky I choose to restrain Blaziken and let only Sylveon attack her. Serena thanked me, before apologizing for the incident. "It's fine Serena, you didn't know how much my Pokémon and I detest early mornings, just please never do that again," I beg. "I get being excited for the Showcase, but anything before 6 am if pure evil, and my Pokémon think the same, incase you didn't notice." 

"Oh, we did." We all ended up sharing a laugh over it and got ready. I double checked I had my stuff packed, while Serena and her Pokémon showed off their outfits. We all supported her, and I had to admit how cute she looked before we headed over.

We are almost to where the showcase is being held and I nudge Serena before saying, "Your showcase debut is gonna be awesome, you're ready for this, and for the record it will always be better than my first contest." When she asks what happened, I grimace and reply that it was a story for another time, I think she got the hint that it wasn't exactly a fond memory.

We enter and all gasp, taking in our surroundings, Serena immediately becomes a worry wart asking, "Where's registration?" She looks to me but I just shrug, I haven't been here before either.

She was snapped from her searching by a giggly call, "There you are!" I vaguely noted that it sounded familiar. Serena along with the others obviously recognized it, as we all turned to the voice. "Shauna!" Serena cried, then it clicked in my brain. Shauna, was one of the girls at my last showcase, she was rather good, even if I could tell it was her first time. 

She giggled running up to us, "Hey Shauna!" Ash said. "So you're in the Courmarine Pokémon Showcase too." Clemont noted. "I can't stand by and let Serena win," She turned to face Serena, "because from this point on we're rivals right?" Serena seemed dazed, "Uh, that's right." "But there is no way I'm gonna lose," she said, holding her hand out towards Serena. Serena walked up and ended up clasping both of Shauna's hand to pull her forward, "Ha, I'm not gonna lose either." They both nodded in agreement before I choose to cut in.

"Hey, what am I chopped liver? I plan on winning here too ya know!" I say with my arms crossed, but the smirk on my face assured I was only teasing. Shauna seems slightly shocked by my presence. I think she might have recognized me. Meanwhile Serena sweatdropped after accidently forgetting me. "Relax, I'm only teasing," I mutter in an effort to get her to relax. The girl was clearly stressed so I turned towards Shauna, "Shauna, right? I thought you were pretty good at that last showcase." She smiled brightly before replying, "Thanks, but if you're here I am so gonna bring my all, and not just for Serena." "I expect it. C'mon Serena let's get registered and see the inside."

Shauna and I vaguely talk of how we met Ash and the others after her giddiness at getting to talk to me about our last showcase together fades. I laugh at the stories of the gang in a summer camp, but soon reality sets back in. When we enter the inner arena, Serena seems particularly starstruck as we all gasp. "Pretty cool place huh?" Ash asks, I roll my eyes at him for stating the obvious while Serena quietly agrees. 

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