Ogre Settlements

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After leaving Opion, Rood's group began to continue their journey to complete his mission given by the Master of Opion.

After walking to the far north until the sun came down, they start to rest.

No town in sight, so they're gonna camp outside in the forest. They are currently at the forest near a settlement called Nine Territories of Fire.

No one knew why they're going there except for Rood. The place is usually filled with demons and monsters, all magicians didn't even dare to step a foot in this settlements. But not for long.

Rood's POV

'Master.. why?' I recalled as I remembered master's words before leaving with the rest. 'If they really are going to then, shouldn't master told the authorities yet? Or else, master have something in plan.. but what might it be..?'

I inwardly talk to myself while pacing around, maintaining my calm.

"Um, Rood?" A voice disturb my thoughts, I look towards the person calling me,

"Yes, Lidusis?"

"Um, Dio and Elzeble have finished making up the tents, Gamode have found us some woods uh and umh, Rubymonter's done making the food."

"Is that so, then we should hurry up rest for tomorrow." I reply and stand up, walking towards the rest who are sitting near the camp fire, 'You shouldn't have come, Lidusis..'

".... Rood.."

Morning came soon after, we woke up. We each got our own tents and was about to pack our things up when we saw a tent that is destroyed,

'That is..!!' "LIDUSIS'!" I scream out and ran after the destroyed tents, wanting to know if Lidusis is alright.

"He's not here.." Dio announce after been inside the tents,


"The ogres must have taken him." announce Rubymonter as she finished gathering her and everyone's stuffs when they are busy examining the destroyed tents.

"Ogres?" Shicmuon who shows no interest at all in the situation, boredly ask.

I look towards Rubymonter worriedly, she nods at Shicmuon.

"Ogres are monsters from our realm." added Dio who looks worried too, "Not long they recently appear in human's realm along with us, demons."

"So they're here, huh? I thought they settled in far away places, far away from the human's." Elzeble says,

'Well this is quite far..' "It seems that Lidusis has been taken.. Tch." I lost my cool but am try to calm down,

"Well if the human's gone, you'll be less troubled. Right, magician human?" Rubymonter says without a care in her voice, I snapped,

"He's my friend.. I'll save him!" I declare angrily, leaving the group and run towards the ogre's settlement,

"W.. wait for me, Rood!" I heard Dio running after me, and saw Shicmuon jumping from tree to tree, following me close.

'Please be safe, Lidusis!'

Rubymonter's POV

I shadowned my face and smirks,

"So..? Are we gonna run away or what?" Elzeble ask, not knowing what to do and Gamode stand near me, waiting for intructions.

"Hmn, I knew it. He's interesting." I murmur quietly, knowing that the two could hear it for their amazing hearing ability,

"Let's follow the magician."

And so, we also run.

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