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I would be thankful for any kind of feedback because I don't know if you like the story~

Chapter two

„And...? Did you arrange the meeting?", Jimin asked me during the lunch break. I had taken another bite of an apple and made sure to swallow it before answering.

„I guess so. He seems really mean though."

„I heard he just acts this way towards everyone. Just focus on the assignment and don't talk with him too much. He seems like a bad influence."

„I don't think he would be too talkative anyway...", I sighed, and nearly choked on the food when I noticed his gaze from a table not so far from ours. "God, he is staring at me. What do I do?"

His eyes were scanning me shamelessly and I started to feel awkward. I looked down, trying to mind my own business, but the feeling didn't go away.

"That's weird... I think it's the first time I see him in the canteen. Doesn't he feel awkward when everyone has someone to sit with and he has to eat all alone?", Jimin started analyzing everything like always. "He doesn't look uncomfortable though. He doesn't even use his phone to kill the time."

"Ah, why did I have to be his pair? I don't want to be around this guy. He seems so intimidating."

"Well, you can still ask the professor to change him for someone else."

"I don't want to make a fuss about it. And who would want to exchange with me anyway? Everyone is content with their partner.", I complained. "Well... I guess I just have to wait for tomorrow and hope that everything will go okay."

"You're meeting with him tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Wish me luck. I feel like I might need a lot of it..."

• • •

I knocked on the high, wooden door and waited anxiously. A few seconds passed and a tall figure appeared in the doorway. He let me inside and I sat on a gray couch, fiddling with my fingers. It was a habit of mine since I didn't know what to do with my hands in stressful situations.

"Would you like some tea?", he asked and I nodded my head. Well, if I get a cup at least I will have something to hold onto.

His place was certainly neat, which I didn't expect, and had a nice design to it. Everything looked modern and at the same time not over the top.

"Alright.", he spoke up when the cups were already standing on the table, the tea steaming from afar. "I have already planned everything that will be needed for the assignment. I will introduce it to you, and I will ask you to do the rest, including the calculations. Are you okay with that?"

"Oh... Yeah, of course, I am.", I answered, kind of disappointed that I got the boring part and didn't have a chance to show my abilities.

"Are you sure you are? You seem tense."

Well, maybe because you're looking at me with that intimidating stare and dark chocolate eyes?

Coming to think of it, my distanced behavior towards him was a little bit ill-founded, but I couldn't help it. It was easy to prejudge someone after hearing that many allegations under their name.

„It was just a tough day at school.", I replied, trying to find an excuse.

„Sure it was...", he replied in his low voice, his warm smile almost making me melt. „Let's get this done quickly and you will be able to go home and rest."

The next few hours were spent on preparing the project and planning the calculations that I will have to do at home. Before I realized it, I started feeling drowsy and tired after a long day of studying. Looking at the numbers on the paper, I couldn't help but yawn every few seconds.

"We will continue with the rest of the paperwork tomorrow. You look like you're about to fall asleep here."

I laughed awkwardly. "I'm sorry. I'll try to be more awake tomorrow."

"No worries.", he answered, and walked me to the door. "Maybe my couch is just too comfortable."

It surprised me how nice he was. Why did people make all of these predictions about him? He didn't seem like a bad guy at all. Although at first, I was cautious, I felt stupid for acting that way now.

"Can I have your number? Just to arrange the meeting easier."

"Just meet me at school.", he raised his eyebrows.

"It's not always easy to find you there...", I admitted. Even if I noticed him sometimes, it was too difficult to work up the courage to walk to him at school.

"I'm sure you'll find a way", he laughed silently. "As you mentioned, you're a smart boy, aren't you?"

My eyes scanned his posture leaning against the wall, starting at his tall height and ending at long fingers tightening on the doorframe. I fixed my gaze on them for a few moments, scolding myself for imagining all the kinky things that they could do.

"Lost your tongue?", he asked, and then I realized that I forgot to reply.

"Oh. I just thought it was a rhetorical question."

"If I ask a question, I expect an answer."

I nodded and bit my lip. He was right, it was impolite of me.

"Have a good rest. See you at school, hopefully."

I waved him goodbye and made my way back home.

And although I truly tried to halt it, my head was filled with images of the tall, mysterious boy the whole night.

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