Chapter I

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Three years later... I was 8 years old and life just got more difficult. I wasn't able to have fun anymore. I was only supposed to do things that were productive and good for my future. It was annoying. Not even Music was allowed, which meant I couldn't listen to my brother's demo anymore, and that hurt. I missed his voice so much.

One night I was supposed to do my homework and study while my foster parents went out with some Friends. I sat in front of my desk and I got totally bored. So I waited until their car was gone and put on the Sunset Curve Shirt that was still too tall for me and put the CD into the Player. I started dancing and singing to the song. I got so bored that I went to the Garage and looked around. I found a skateboard that looked in Pretty good shape, but why was it there? I was sure that my foster parents were never into skateboards. I picked it up and removed the dust from it. It looked very Fancy not gonna lie. I also saw a broken helmet laying on a spot next to the board. I put it on and skated around the front Yard. I had some starter's difficulties, but I had a lot of fun.

After a few minutes I went back into the Garage and put the stuff back to where i found it. When I wanted to get back into the house I heard a lout scream that let me Hold my ears. When it got quieter a Teenage boy fell through  some Kind of Portal into the Garage.

"Ah! Ow!" He said and stood up.

"That was Rough" He Held his arm before he noticed me. I screamed and so did he. I panicked and fled from the Garage into my room. I jumped into my bed and hid under my blanket.

"Uh... Sorry if i scared you. I didn't mean to." A voice said.

"Who are you?" I asked, still under my blanket.

"I'm Willie. What's your Name?" He asked me.

"Aylice." I carefully answered while peeking my head out of the blanket.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you, even if I could." He chuckled. I sat up.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. He just laughed.

"I'm a ghost." He explained.

"And you can see me?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled even brighter.

"Nobody could see me before. That's weird, but cool." He meant to me. I was still a Little scared.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I'm scaring you. I don't mean to. Don't worry. I'm friendly." He tried to calm me down. I pushed the blanket away and sat upright to face him.

"So, what will you do now? You can't stay here. My foster parents will freak out!" I told him.

"Foster parents?" He asked me. Just then I heard the front door downstairs open.

"Oh no. You have to go!" I told him.

"Why?" Willie asked as my door opened. My foster mom came in.

"Is everything okay here?" My foster mom asked. I looked at Willie and he looked back at me.

"I'm talking to you, Aylice." She crossed her arms. She couldn't see him. I shook myself awake.

"Uh... Yes. Yes I'm just... I'm just tired and wanted to go to bed." I told her, but she gave me a suspecting look. She looked at me.

"Where did you get that shirt?" She looked mad. I looked down at my shirt. I forgot to take it off.

"I-it was my brother's, Ma'am." I looked down in sadness.

"Hand it over." She demanded.

"What?" My eyes widened and I grabbed on to my shirt very tightly in fear.

"You heard me. Take it off and give it to me." She stretched out her hand in demand. I shook my head.

"Please... I only have this left of him." I started to cry.

"I don't care. You will just put your focus on something else than your studying. For the last time: Hand it over!" I cried and slowly pulled the shirt off. I closed my eyes and gave it to her. She ripped it out of my hand and wasn't gentle with it. She shoved it into my face.

"This can't happen again, girl. I'll take care of it." She turned around and left the room.

"Wait! What do you want to do with it?" I asked her.

"Do your studying." She didn't answer the question and closed the door, locking it. I ran towards the door and
hammered against it.

"No! Please! Don't do this!" I cried out loud, but she didn't care. I slid down my door and hugged my knees, crying as badly as when I found out about my brother. It was like he died all over again. I felt something go through me, but I didn't mind looking. I only cried myself to Sleep.

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