~First Day~

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~Narrarators POV~

Her alarm blares so loud in her ear Y/N wakes up with a startle it was her first day of school at Aoba Josai she had moved to Miyagi from her home town and she was determined to set a good first impression.

She gets up showers and puts on her new uniform it was her favorite of the school uniforms she had worn throughout her old middle school (Plus she looked great in it).

~Your POV~

I wake up to the god awful sound of my alarm blaring in my ear luckily this is the only bad thing that has happened today.

Today is my first day at Aoba Josai also known as Seijoh I transferred here because of my parent's jobs and I'm glad I get the chance to experience going to Seijoh because it has one of the best men's high school volleyball teams in our district and I want to have a chance to be a manager for the team to get an inside look on the team.

I walked out after eating some yogurt for breakfast and started walking to school.

It's 8:15 my first classes start at 9 I have to drop by the office to get my schedule and textbooks (my back is going to hurt after today) I walk through the doors of the huge high school and make my way to the office.

Its 8:45 i have 15 minutes till my first class starts my schedule is Homeroom, Math, Science, Study hall And Lunch, Ela, History and French after that I have to try out for manager I have a jam packed schedule and i have to make sure I dont get lost in this huge school.

Its 11:55 im on my way to study hall  I didnt eat lunch because I need more time to get to my classes but heres the problem .  .  . Im. Lost. yep on my first day I get lost on my way to study hall, I never got a full tour, but I had a good idea of where it was yet I got lost suddenly I hear a voice it sounded gentle and welcoming, I turned around and who did I see Toru Oikawa I had heard about him from the volleyball team and I was shocked to see him but it turned out ... we had study hall together luckily his personality was a lot different then I remembered, He was a lot kinder and less self centered than I had thought, but he still annoyed me he was a littl to talkative for me.

Finally it was 3:00 and the day was almost overall I had to do was try to apply as a manager and I could go home, the form was pretty easy but soon I found out a lot of girls wanted to be a manager but only because of Oikawa luckily I got the job because I wanted to do it for me and to help the team and to learn how they play and get to know all the players.

Study Hall- An Oikawa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now