Chapter 7

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"What?" Wyatt whispered.

"Before I met Anne I dated Salixa. I knew she was a sorceress but I didn't know who she was. She was the mother of both you and Daisy. She was always very skilled at magic. I thought nothing of it at the time. I should have known who she was; she was too powerful for a regular sorceress. We were happy for a while." Mark's voice started to wobble.

"I am sure you think I was an idiot not to realise she was evil, but I loved her. I truly believed she was a good person. When you were only about four months old she tried to break into the palace and murder the Queen. She was imprisoned, until three years ago she broke out. The Queen's mother killed her with a very powerful spell, or at least we thought she did. Salixa must have survived or..." Mark trailed off. I didn't like to think about what 'or' entailed.

"Your father and I met when you were about nine months old. I instantly knew I had found a family. I've always loved you as if you were my own son. We then had Cece after we were married." Anne said.

"I can't believe this; I can't believe you didn't tell me. I won't believe it. I... I'm going to live in the palace with Brian." Wyatt yelled. He ran out of the house and I turned around to follow him.

"Goodbye Anne, Mark. It was so nice meeting you." I said quickly before running out of the door to find Wyatt.

I ran out of the front garden, leaving the farm cottage behind me. "Wyatt! Where are you?" I called.

I heard a muffled sound coming from behind a tree beside the road. I walked slowly towards it. Wyatt was slumped against the tree's trunk. His head was buried in his hands.

"Wyatt..." I started, struggling to find the right words. "Margaret, what are you doing here?" Wyatt said trying to sit up and drying his eyes on his shirt sleeve.

"I'm here for you, if you need someone to talk to or if you just need some company." I said. I sat down next him on a root protruding from the earth.

"I just found out my mother isn't actually my mother." he said. "I know, but just because she isn't your biological mother doesn't mean she isn't your mother. Anne will always be your mom." I said.

I couldn't even begin to imagine what he was going through. "You're right, but I just can't believe they lied to me. I think I need to stay at the palace for awhile. I just need some space." Wyatt said.

"Will Brian let you stay at the palace?" I asked. "I hope so. Knowing him he'll make me go back home." He said. "I can ask Beatrice if you can stay in a spare room." I said. "Thank you." He said.

"Not to pry, but where was your other sister Daisy?" I asked. Wyatt winced. He turned his head slightly to hide the new tears glistening in his eyes.

"She's gone." He said. I raised an eyebrow. He sighed.

"She died. She was three years older than me. She was my role model. She was strong, funny, kind and smart. She worked as an agent as well. Daisy died two years ago. She drowned. We found her body next to a river near the farmland border and a note written in charcoal next to her."

"It had said 'You can't escape your past.' I hadn't understood it at the time, but now I do. Salixa killed my sister. Her own daughter." Wyatt said.

"That must have been awful. I'm so sorry." I said. "It was hard at first, the pain was unbearable. Now it's more of an ache."

"I won't let my sister's death be in vain though. When we found Daisy's body she was holding a necklace that she used wear. Whenever I used to ask her about it she would change the subject. It was a small purple and red stone with strange writing engraved on the back. I think that's why Salixa never found her. Well, until she died in guess. It's just a theory, but I think she was trying to tell me something." Wyatt said.

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