the sunrise

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Back again, the day after she first arrived. Mable woke up at approximately 4:50am because she wanted to see the sun rise. Little did she know that Arnald was making breakfast. Banging, sizzling and hitting of pots and spoons, it was quite clear Arnald didn't know how to cook. So Mable heard this and she sneaked to the kitchen, which was very nice and spacious, she saw a man grinding a pan on the stove. Mable got up from her position into standing and watched Arnald as he cluelessly hummed. When he realised Mable was watching him the conversation started "Good morning" "Good morning, uh exactly what are you cooking?" Mable responded " was supposed to be pancakes but I don't know how to make those yet so its egg and toast." Arnald said as he continued making literally zero eye contact with Mable. Mable walked forward and dragged Arnald aside behind the counter and she told him "stand there and don't move." Arnald shakes him head in response of ok. Mable threw everything away, then started new after an hour of cooking bacon, eggs, pancakes and toast it was only 5:00am. Mable set the table as Arnald took out everyone's plate and food. "We make a good team huh?" Mable chuckled as she asked, "I guess so." Arnald responded with again making zero eye contact with Mable. When they were finished, Mable saw the place becoming a little bright and asked "can we go to the roof?" Arnald curiously said sure but this time making eye contact. They went to the roof and saw the most beautiful thing known as the sunrise as they sat and ate their breakfast with peace and nothing to bother them in the moment just them and the what Mable described as the most beautiful sunrise she has ever seen. "What if we fail?" Mable asked, "huh?" Arnald responded. "What if we fail the heist and we had to get out, and we needed someone to come help us in some troubling times?" Mable said as this time she makes no eye contact. Looking at Mable, Arnald said "then I'll get you out, I will make sure I get you all to safety and that you don't get caught." and then.....silence. 9am everyone was awake and sat to eat their breakfast enjoying it peacefully and you would be surprised to hear that everyone got along, they had some heart filled conversations and stuff. On to the next day.

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