Dangerous Student Council

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I'm Tadashi, 2nd year high school and I hate the Student Council Room.

Its start when I am a freshman. I accidentaly saw Gin, 1st year representative that time, fucking the student council president. After that I never went to the student council.

A year later, Gin became the Student Council President and my twin brother Takeshi became the Vice President. For every meeting in that student council room, I always attend even I hate that place and I am not a member. I want to protect my younger brother to the pervert Gin.

"Why are you here again? " ask the secretary with angry tone.

I ignore him like always. The secretary are always sit in front of me makes me irritate but I just bear with it. Gin, never complain when I'm attending the meeting. He looks calm and serious but I know their is a wolf that in side of him.

After the meeting, the student council member left the room. Me, my brother and Gin were still in the room.

"Takeshi, could you help me look for this file? " Gin said while showing some paper to Takeshi.

"Brother, could you borrow a storage key to the teacher?" Takeshi ask.

I glared to Gin. This is might be his chance to attack my brother while I'm gone. No, way! I will not let this guy fuck my brother.

Gin smirk while looking at me and its annoy me so much. "How about you get the key at the office and your elder brother and me wait for you? The teacher might not give him the key. "

"I will be back soon" Takeshi said and left the room.

£££££££ 1 HOURS LATER €€€€€€€

Takeshi still hasn't back yet. Its now sunset. All the student might left the school already. "How long will it take just to borrow a key? " I complain while playing with my phone.

Ring. Ring. Ring sound of the Gin's phone. Gin sat in his throne while he reading a text message while smiling.

Maybe he reading a text message from his sex friends and It pissed me. I stand up and stretch. "I'm going home. If you have complain or anything to say, I don't care. I'm still going home" I get my back and walk toward the door.

Gin put his phone in the desk and look for the clock. "You cannot wait to I fuck you so you want to go home? " He said while smiling at me.

"Don't make me laugh. " I said with a serious face. When I'm front of the door, I open the door but it didn't open. "What th-"

"The door locked from the outside" Gin stand up and walk toward me with a evil smile on his face.

My heartbeat beat fast knowing Gin walks towards me and do something to me. I panic and try to open the door as many as I can but its didn't open. "Help! " I shouted asking for a help.

Gin put his hand in the door beside my face. "If you shouted again, people might came and saw you naked while I'm fucking you. " He lip are near in my ear while whispering.

I know he will do it because I already seen it before. Damn. I am caught on his trap.

"Do you know who lock the door outside? "

My eyes become big when I realize who could it be. I face Gin and said "Takeshi, will nev-" He holding a paper in front of my face. I read it. Takeshi, could I talk to your brother alone? you can go home first. it might take long.He might run away so could you also lock the door from outside?. I was shock. He trick my brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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