|Important Info before things get started|

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1. I'd like ya'll to read this cuz obviously..u would skip.

2. I always start off my fanfictions with important information so u guys can understand wot are the part of the fanfictions I make or wot are the changes, etc.

3. There will be slow updates, ((Not rlly slow ones, I'll prob update once a week or more)) I'll prob publish more than 1 chapter sometimes

4. It's not gonna exactly be the movie, I'm just making it in my own way ((The explanation down here ⬇️))

5. I'm not writing about some older Y/n falling in love with a 3 year old, so I'll age him up ((Including Ao Bing))

6. Srry if I'm not a great writer despite me writing fanfictions for more than a year, the grammars won't be gud and there will be some accident misspelling here and there

7. No I'm not writing smuts, lemons nor limes. I only do fluffs and angst, srry ((well—I prob will do anime moments along this fanfiction. Such as those nose bleed moments and the reader being Nezha/Aobing mate, etc.))

8. There will be warnings of Angsts and other stuff

9. Plz do not beg me to update more, it kinda stresses me out and adds to my other stress from other personal stuff in my life

10. I can do requests of a oneshot book after complete this fanfiction, which will be awhile

11. PLz LeT Me KNOw OF AnY MistAkE, JuST PlZ, It DoESN'T HuRt My fEeLinGs—

12. Srry that I won't be able to reply back on my messages u guys send me, but I will read it and reply most of the time

13. Yes, u can do fanarts of this fanfiction without my permission. Just as long as u credit me that I'm the author of this book.

14. I do not own u nor the movie and the characters in the movie

15. U guys are allowed to give me next chapter ideas once I start saying I'm losing ideas and getting writers block

16. Nezha and Ao bing won't be dead, they'll be alive

17. That's all

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