The change in their own life

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Author: now we go to 5 years ago, when now Peter be the member of Bundespolizei (GSG-9), and Miho become Kuromorime students, and their life will be changed in here, first we start from Miho, her school has been defeated in 62rd Sensha-Dō National Tournament and second Peter.

In that day, he know Miho in Kuromorime, has defeated by Pravda in National Tournament, and he have a call with the someboy

Peter: what it's this?

???: It's me, Bukharov, stop killing my men, and I will give me my supervisor

Peter: are you sure?!

Bukharov: I sure, meet me in the harbor

Peter: wait! *Bukharov end the call* dammit!!!

In harbor

Peter: now, where is he!

Bukharov: I will tell you after we in the roof, anything has ready for you

In rooftop

Bukharov: now we here now

Zadornov soldier 1: sir

And Bukharov shoot him like in BO2

Bukharov: this incident will not involved the witness

Peter: Witness huh, now what's the target?

Bukharov: Pavel Pudovsky, my supervisor

Peter: huh, I should know from start *ready his PSG-1*

Bukharov: now take the headshot

Peter: okay


In down there

Peter: why you looking so smug about?

Walk fast

Peter: what's going on?!

He run

Peter: what's going on here?!

He run fast

Peter: No, no, no, no, no.......

And he realised, Peter killed his own little Sister

Peter: Emma................ NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Du Bastard, ich töte dich !!!! (You bastard, I kill you!!!!)

Suddenly Peter gets punch by someone

Peter: Pudovsky!!

Pavel: you, fool, you has been foolish by my men, and that my revenge from me

Bukharov: the police will arrives soon

Pavel: we let him here, the police will know what happened *left him*

Peter: No!!

Pavel: *kick Peter in face*

10 minutes ago

German Police 1: (in German) get him a medic now

German police 2: (in German) you will be okay my friend

In hospital
Peter wakes up an his mother and his father in his front of him

Andrea: Peter, are you okay?

Walter: what's going on?

Peter: I was being set up

Andrea: by who?

Peter: the guy name Bukharov, he set up me, he has tell to me to kill his supervisor, but, that not Pavel, it's Emma, I'm sorry. I was shoot her, in front of me *sobing*

Walter: that was not your fault, Peter

Peter: please, I wanna go out from GSG-9 and go in the Bundeswehr

Andrea: are you sure?

Peter: yeah, I sure

Walter: okay, I gonna discuss this

Author: and now, Peter has out from GSG-9 and get in German Military, Bundeswehr, and also Miho, she get in Oarai High School and their journey still continued.

To Be Continued

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