Chapter 1: The Introduction

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The world is a changed place in 2231. Everything is futuristic and we have robots to do everything. Plus we have time machines just in case something bad happened. But two boys are left at home because their dad thinks they are sick. "But dad, we're not sick!" I say. I'm the older of the brothers. "Well I think you are so you better stay here, and you don't ever go into my lab, do you understand me!" Dad sternly said to us. My younger brother, John, is always so curious about the lab because there is always lights flashing and loud machines making sounds. Well...that's what he thinks is happening. What actually is happening is there is a bar in there and he always like, "Hey you kiddies, I'm the gingerbread man and I just love pineapples WOOO!" Now every time John sees my dad he always calls him the gingerbread man as an inside joke with me. So after he leaves my brother has a 'brilliant' idea to sneak into the lab and just look around. What we found was amazing. There was a time machine with the date set as, 1933. We didn't know that their was even a 1933 because we were born way after that. So then my little brother starts to act stupid because he brings a football into the lab and starts to throw it. I got mad at him and said, "John, put that down now or I'll beat you up." He still threw it so he backed up onto the time machine and I tackled him then the time machine whirred and rustled and we got sucked into the void and we land in some weird places it has no good technology they like.

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