Which Way Should I Go?

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      I was standing in the cold, hard, wet rain in a deserted street being flooded with raindrops. Alone.  My blonde locks of hair were being drenched and turning black with the ends dripping onto the bumpy hard concrete road. You couldn't even see the water pouring from my eyes. I turned in all directions around me hoping to see even a flicker of light. No luck. When I turned I looked around me it seemed even darker. I dug in my purse and felt the cold metal and grabbed my stupid cheap phone that I got my freshman year of high school and dialed.

                "Hello?" Answered Dylan, my best friend. I would have never thought that I would be so happy to hear his low husky voice.

                "Dylan! Can you pick me up?" I said through my sniffles of tears.

                "Sure, Mom's asleep but the car keys are on the counter. Where are you?"

Crap. I have no idea where I am. There was an old street sign that was swaying with the wind but I couldn't decipher the name.

                "I have no idea. There's a sign like, fifty feet ahead, but I can't read it." I sighed knowing it was hopeless.

                "I'll just get into my magic school bus and find you. " Dylan joked. "Here's an idea, go up to the sign and read it." Dylan sassed.

                "Easy for you to say." I mumbled.

                "What was that?" Dylan asked.

                "Nothing, one second." I replied knowing Dylan was my driver and not to bug him. I trudged through the pouring down rain and squinted to try to read the sign. The first letter was "W" and the rest said "Ashington." Washington! That's the name!

                "Washington Street!" I yelled with excitement knowing that I was going to get in clean clothes and out of this rain soon.

           "Where the hell is that?" Dylan yelled.

         "Here's an idea, go Mapquest it." I shot back. 

       "I am, one sec." One minute later I heard him sigh through the phone. "You owe me big." 

         "Why?" I asked.

         "Your thirty minutes away. Your probably freezing. Do you want some dry clothes?" Asked Dylan.

           "Yes! Please." I added.

                         "Key still underneath the mat?" Dylan asked even though he knew the answer.

                        "For seventeen years it's been underneath the mat! Why would that change tonight?" 

                        "Sorry." Dylan mumbled. "Be there in a few."

                         "Thank you! I will pay for gas!" I said as Dylan hung up.

             I sat on the side of the rain wondering if it would ever stop raining. For twenty minutes I sat and counted the water droplets land on the concrete with a splash, making a puddle.

           Bing Bing. My phone beeped. I dug in my purse once more searching for the phone. 

                    "KT. 'Bout 20 min. away. 


        I snapped my phone closed and started over recounting the water droplets. 

        Bright yellow headlights brightened the road and Dylan's red Dodge drove slowly down the road. I stood up and climbed into the backseat when he stopped in front of me. I was handed my soft, comfy, gray sweatpants, polka-dot bra, white underwear, purple t-shirt, and my tye dyed sweatshirt. I immediately stripped out of my wet clothes threw them in the trunk and put on the warm clothes. There were two towels covering the passenger seat so I wouldn't get the seat wet. I crawled over the cup holders and sat down and took the blankets from Dylan's lap, wrapped them around me and cried.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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