day 10

645 29 2

Are you lonely?
Our fingers dancing as they meet.

updated 3/16/22
original 12/7/20

updated 3/16/22original 12/7/20

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The days until the coming of the festival were coming and coming at rapid speeds. It was like the hours were moving every minute. The world revolved a little bit faster than usual, but it didn't stop the class from working. Practically working day and night, some had even begun to spend their nights in the school.

Legally this wouldn't be proper for a bunch of kids to be working into the midst of the night at school when there's a curfew. But it was a project that they took upon themselves so they were going to finish it.

Carrying in the boxes for the prop designers, it was a big haul from the front to the classroom. Even though it was such a simple booth, it had a deep layer of care laced within its creation. Every detail was perfect and every finished piece was a masterpiece. "Yohoo, delivery for the lovelies." she chirped, placing it down and waving.

Seeing their tired faces made her feel saddened. Bowing she walked to the front to pick up the rest of the packages. "What are you doing?" raising an eyebrow, she looked at the boy carrying some of the boxes. Looking like a deer in headlights, he turned away and entered the school without another word. Smirking she cooed and whistled towards him out of amusement. "Wow, Minhyung, I never knew you could be a warm hearted person underneath all of that cold." her words didn't exactly make sense but it was enough for her to laugh.

Pulling up her falling sleeves, she went back to work, pulling out her phone to check the mutual checklist for the entire booth. Tsking, she ran her fingers through her, the tangledness evident at the ends of her hair. "Alright, onto the next one."

"Oh Hayeong!"
"Yoh, Hayeong, can you—"
Her head was practically beating hearing her name be called so much. Hadn't taken a break just yet, she laid her head uncomfortably on her desk. She was exhausted, words wouldn't be able to describe it well whatsoever. Feeling a shadow cast over her, she peeked up to see the the blue haired boy watching over her.

"President told me to call for you." with his hands stuffed in his pockets, he clearly didn't have a care in the world for her exhaustion. Even if it was clear she was tired. "Tell president I'm tired." she groaned out, turning her head to face away from the boy. Hearing an audible sigh from him, she felt something drop on her head and the sounds of him walking away.

Grabbing it, she inspected it throughly. Oh my lordy lord he gave me his blazer. gasping she couldn't believe her eyes. Hugging it into a soft ball type glob, she laid her head softly on it like a comfortable cushion. Oh she could get used to this.

"Its been a very long time since our class has been this nice." the president stretched. Having had to deal with all the booth paperwork and working with teachers to get by properly. It was nice and quiet now. They'd finally finished what they'd started and they were extremely content with the ending. The emotional drive took them to the very end of it, given it gave them so much trouble to begin with.

It was a comfortable silence that only people who cherished it so much would understand. It wasn't library silence but it wasn't classroom rowdiness. It was perfect. Humming, she nodded. Leaning into her chair, the pops of her spine satisfying her immensely. They were junior high friends and they continued like that for a long time. It was nearing the end of their high school life which meant they might be separating soon.

Having aspirations that were so broadly different from one another was one of the first reasons. She wanted to be a photographer. Traveling all around the world to fulfill peoples needs that they didn't know they had. He was interested in the crime scene of life. Always interested in examining crime scenes and having a detailed mindset and perfect photographic memory made him a perfect candidate.

"Yeong-ah. You did well today." he hummed twisting his body back and forth to loosen his spine. "You too." she smiled. Picking up her bag, she slung it over her shoulder. "I'll be out first. See you later SooSoo." bowing, she got up and walked out the classroom doors. Making her way slowly down the steps to the front gate. Few classrooms had their lights flickered on. It seemed like everybody was working hard these days.

The upcoming festival was always an eventful time for everyone. Teachers and students alike. Eh? Seeing a figure leaned against the pillars of the school entrance. Her heart raced, believing it was some creep from his attire. Reaching into her pocket to fish out her phone, she inched bit by bit into the schol.

About to call her brother to pick her up, she watched the figure turn. Their blue hair sticking from beneath their hood. "Eh..? Minhyung?" she muttered, walking over to the boy who seemed annoyed from her sudden appearance. Blinking emptily at her, he towered over her slightly as he stood.

"Awh, are you waiting for me Minhyung. I never knew this was your love language." snickering, she placed a hand over her mouth to cover up her smile. Seeing his eyes squint in clear distaste, she smirked in amusement.

"I was waiting for my friend to finish with after school lessons." he rolled his eyes, in disbelief of the girl's entitlement and narcissism. "The class is done with all the things for the booth and food is being shipped tomorrow before the festival. It's expected everyone is gonna be there to help out with getting recipes and food ready." smirking she could only see the eyes of his annoyance peek through his mask.

He hated this type of stuff, she could tell. She could tell it like it was written on a piece of paper and stapled to his forehead. He was a see through mirror, on one side he could be impossible to trace, on the other you could see clear as day. She'd like to think that that was the fun of it, but realistically it wasn't fun.
"I'll pass." his voice muttered behind his mask. Clearly disinterested as he begun to walk into the school. "I'll do your classroom chores for a week if you do." she called with a smile. Hearing the pause in step before it continued.

She just knew she enticed him. He really was see through. Like the ocean in tropical areas. Clear as day with the sun passing through it.

30 days ▿ mark lee [ rewriting ]Where stories live. Discover now