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all rights to the Harry Potter characters and world, go to JK Rowling (we don't stan her though), publishers, etc. most characters belong to her and parts of the plot but others are my own.

i hope you enjoy the book and if you do please vote for it!! :)



I stumbled through the carts on the rumbling Hogwarts train. I looked longingly into carts hoping someone would let me sit with them. I walked and walked till I grew near the end of the train when I found a cart with the door open. I peaked my head inside and three faces snapped towards mine. 

"Hello! I'm Isla Jones and I just transferred to Hogwarts from Ilvermorny so I don't know anyone. All the other carts are full so do you mind if I sit here?" I looked at an empty section of the cart next to a girl with big curls of brown hair. 

The girl looked at me and then said, "Sure! Come sit next to me." She patted the empty scarlet cushion next to her. "I'm Hermione Granger, pleased to meet you." I smiled warmly at her kindness and sat down.

"This is Ron Weasley and Harry Potter," she said pointing to the ginger boy in the cart then the boy with black hair and glasses. 

"Wait!" I exclaimed. "You're Harry Potter? The famous Harry Potter?" Harry smiled and moved the hair off his forehead to revel the scar. 

"Its me," he said. His smile and jet-black hair made me want to melt into my seat. I could feel my cheeks turning a rosy pink. Hermione nudged me and I feel out of my trance. 

"Anyways," she said directing her attention back towards the boys. "Are you excited for fourth year? I hope it's not as chaotic as last."

"What happened last year?" I interrupted. 

Hermione paused. "Well um- um I don't want to scare you or anything but He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, is back on the loose."

I looked at the three wide-eyed. "I-"

"No need to be afraid though, Isla," Harry said. "We're going to protect the school and the people inside it."

Of course he is. He looked out the window to the rolling hills of green that went on forever. His jawline was so defined and his eyes sparkled from the sunlight coming in.

"Come on, Isla! I want to introduce you to some others!" Hermione grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the cart. Once we had stepped away from the cart window she stopped me.

"What is with you staring at Harry?" she asked.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked.

"Yes! Do you like him?" she said. "Do you like Harry?"

I thought about him and got wrapped up in his smile again. "Isla?" Hermione snapped her fingers in my face. 

"Oh um," I said, looking up. "Well do I like Harry? Yes?"

"Ah!" she smiled so widely and I new, I just new, we were going to be great friends. "Now come, I want you to meet a few people down here." She dragged me through the tight hall past rooms bursting with laughter and smiles. Finally Hermione stopped in front of a room with two people in it. She pushed open the door and sat down. "Have a seat Isla," she ordered. "This is Ginny Weasley and Neville Longbottom."

I waved at the furious red flame of hair and the trembly boy. 

"Nice to meet you," Neville said, shyly looking towards me and then back to the ground. 

Ginny poked him. "Don't be afraid, Neville. It's just a girl. And anyways, it's nice to meet you too."

"Isla Jones transferred from Ilvermorny this year and will now be attending Hogwarts-" Hermione stopped and looked out the window of the cart from her seat. Loud noises were traveling down the hall. As she looked three boys stormed through the hall in a rush. 

"Who was that?" I asked once the thundering foot steps had stopped echoing. 

"Draco Malfoy and his gang of goons," Ginny scowled. "Stay away from them."

"They looked like they were about to kill us," I laughed. 

Hermione laughed and said, "That's how he always looks." She rolled her eyes and then continued chatting. I couldn't wait for how amazing Hogwarts and this year was going to be!

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