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You pull out a headband and stand up, knowing exactly who it is. "Believe it!" Naruto yells and runs to catch up to you. He wispers in your ear "They are soooo gonna be pranked bad, huh Amy-chan!?" You wisper back "Hellz yeah!" You guys share an evil smile as you walk into the closet. " Ready?" Naruto asks as the door is shut and locked."One sec." you say as you position yourself in front of the door."Ready." You two start talking about random stuff; training, current missions, food, who likes who, stuff like that. Then ypu go quiet as you try not to giggle. You guys stay that way for about 5 minutes when you gasp "N-naruto!? Y-you!?" "I-I couldnt hold it back anymore, I-I like you-no, I love you Amythest!" He says loudly, giving you a huge grin. You grin back, trying to hide the fact that that hurt you alittle, cause you really did love him, you have since the academy. "R-really!?" "Really." "Me too, Naruto. I love you too." You go quiet again, giving eachother that evil grin again. "Lean over me." you whisper. He gets up and leans over you, placing his hands on either side of you head. "This is gonna be sooo funny when they open the door!" He whispers. "I know right!" You whisper/giggle back. You guys start moaning and rocking, making your bodies hit the door. "Naruto!" You moan. "Amythest!" He moans back. You pause with a pained look on your face, thinking of how this would have turbed out if he really did love you like you loved him. Suddenly you realize its alittle too quiet and look up at him. You find him staring at you with mor than the gleam of mischeif in his eyes. "N-naruto?" You gasp, breathless from just that look. He leaned down and kissed you geantly, tenderly. He pulled back just far enough away to see your purple eyes and said "I meant what I said earlier." Then he leaned back in and kissed you again, this time more forcefully, more passionetly. Your brain didnt even have time to register that your arms had slid around his neck and that you were kissing him back when you hear "Times up!" as the door flies open and you two come tumbling out, Naruto on top, of course. Everyone is shocked, they all thought it was just gonna be another one of your guys pranks. You blush tomato red and sit up fast. Naruto goes back to his seat, just as red as you. You get up and walk over to him and sit in his lap and whisper in his ear "Thank you, you did what I was to scared to do. And i meant what i said too."

1 hour in Naruto heavenWhere stories live. Discover now