Chapter 20- A Warning

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"There's an owl miraculous?" I ask in a bit of shock.

Chouette chuckles. "There are a lot of miraculouses you do not know of."

I'm a bit skeptical of this girl. How can I trust her? For all I know, she could be another one of Hawkmoth's ally's. She must've guessed what I was thinking because of the next thing she said. "You can trust me, (yn). I was chosen by the guardian."

I gasp. "How do you know who I am?!"

"The owl miraculous allows me to travel into others dreams. Therefore, I know who you are." Chouette explains.

"Wait...this is all a dream?" I ask. "So that means..."

"You were never on top of the Eiffel Tower with Hawkmoth, and Chat Noir wasn't trapped in crystal."

I let out a loud sigh of relief, knowing that my boyfriend really wasn't stuck in a chunk of crystal.

"-but, that being said, the reason I was called to your dream was because it was a warning." Chouette bites her lip nervously.

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not exactly sure...but I think that Hawkmoth and this new 'Ally' of his, want to launch a full scale attack on the superhero's of both Paris, and New York." She says.

"So they can take our miraculous?"

"Those and the two miracle boxes."

I jump up from the pool of water and frantically grip into Chouette's shoulders. "Please! You have to take me to the guardian! They're not safe!" I beg.

"I can't tell you who they are, but your Kwami can."

"Oh phew...thank goodness."

Suddenly the atmosphere around us begins to tremble. "You're beginning to wake up! I don't have much time, you have to get to Paris and warn Ladybug and Chat Noir about Hawkmoths pl-"




I jolt up from my sleep in a cold sweat. Was that...real? I think to myself. "Kitti...did that just..."

Kitti floats up to me with wide eyes. She ms shaking slightly. The kitten simply nods.

Lucy sits up groggily and glares at me. She then rolls back over and falls asleep. "We need to go to the guardian. Now." I say, climbing out of bed.

"But it's 5:00 in the morning!" Kitti whines.

"And?" I say, pulling a pair of jeans and slipping a (fc) shirt on over my head , and sliding on my winter coat and hat.

Kitti huffs, flies over to my desk, pulls a tissue out and wraps it around herself as a blanket. "You owe me a strawberry smoothie for this."

I quickly brush my hair and put on my winter boots, before quietly walking out of the front door, careful to not wake anyone.

"Okay, Kitti, where are we headed?" I whisper as I walk down the stairs.

"Right next door."

"Wait, what?" I facepalm. "You mean to tell me, the GUARDIAN has been right next door this WHOLE TIME?!" I growl, staring Kitti dead in the eyes.

"Shh shh shh" Kitti puts her paw to my lips. "I couldn't tell you, remember?"

I head out the front door and turn to the street. I'm surprised by just how many people are already up and out on a Saturday morning. I guess New York really is 'The city that never sleeps.'

When I get to the bookstore front door, I gently knock my knuckles against it. Shivering a bit in the cold. Every time I take a breath, a little white cloud of air leaves my lips.

"Oh! Come in!" I hear a familiar voice call from inside.

I cream the door open and hear the small bell chime. The shop is pitch black except for a single lamp that is lit in the loft. "I'm up here, dear!" I hear the old woman call.

I slowly try to navigate around the room in the dark, without tripping over a chair or something and breaking my neck. I may be graceful and agile as Alley Cat, but I'm the complete opposite as (yn) (yln). I shudder as I think back to the egg incident.

When I finally reach the spiral staircase, I slowly climb up it, gripping onto the handrail. I wince as I take each step, because it makes a loud creaking noise. I get to the top of the staircase and step onto loft. The shop owner, Miss Zhao, patiently waits for me in a green leather chair, a small content smile resting on her wrinkly old face. "Hello again, (yn)." She says. "Sit."

I do as I'm told, and sit in the chair across from her. Kitti flies out of my pocket, and soars over to Miss Zhao. "Hello, Master." She respectfully says, giving a small bow.

"Kitti!! You're back!"

I glance up to see a tan Kwami come flying down from a nearby bookshelf. She tackles Kitti in a hug, squeezing the life from her.

"Oh right." The Kwami er- Fawnna says nervously. It's then when I get a look at her. She has large, twinkling blue eyes, small rounded black hooves, little white dots across her cheeks and back, large round ears, and a small white tail. Suddenly she meets my gaze and her body stiffens, and she gets wide eyes. "W-who's t-t-that?" She nervously asks.

"This is (yn), my owner." Kitti proudly states.

Fawnna shyly waves. "H-hello. My name is F-Fawnna..."

I gently smile, trying to come off as someone who won't hurt her. "It's nice to meet you."

"A-and you."

"Fawnna, take Kitti to the back room. The two of you can't hear this conversation." Miss Zhao says.

Fawnna nods. "Okay! Come along Kitti." She says. The two Kwami's fly through the floor down to the 'back room'.

I turn to Miss Zhao. "I know you seek answers. And Answers you shall have."

𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓮𝓼 (Chat Noir x Reader) -The Eye of the Black Cat Pt.2-Where stories live. Discover now