you guys encounter IT (possible tw!!)

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hey guys before this chapter starts i'm just going to put a trigger warning for blood,spiders,and there is a slightly sensual moment in this chapter.also i made patrick a yandere in this chapter so it might be a bit crazy if that triggers you then please don't read!! stay safe guys !<3 -alyssa

henry: you guys were on the couch asleep you guys woke up to a loud bang. you and henry get up because the noise came from the bathroom you guys open the door and there is a huge spider in the shower you having a phobia of spiders you start screaming and running henry runs after you yelling. you guys leave the house and stay the rest of the night at victors.

patrick: you guys were in the middle of making out  in the barrens when all of a sudden you heard a child like giggle you stop kissing patrick. "patrick there is something in the sewers" "no no there's not come here". you pull away from him and he follows you he grabs you and grabs you up against the sewer wall. "Y/N don't go in there." "patrick there is someone in the sewers we need to help them!" you go into the sewers and patrick follows close behind because (he protective af) all of a sudden penny wise comes out and yanks you to the floor . you get covered in disgusting water(bruh i cant 💀) you and patrick run out a of the sewer as fast as you can and never go back there after that day. patrick is EXTRA EXTRA protective of you now .(i usually don't agree with this because you can do stuff on your own but he's a yandere so that's kinda how they are so i'm sorry!!)

victor: you guys were you guys were in the woods with a book of derry you guys  got to a picture of a theater when penny wise came through the picture almost. he tried to grab at you guys but you threw the book in the nearby pond and ran away.(i based this off it 1990!)

belch: you guys were in amy(his car 🙄✋🏼) and all of a sudden a werewolf jumped
on the car. you guys screamed you both knew instantly it was penny wise .

connor: you guys decided to go to the neibolt house and see if it was actually scary. you guys went deeper in the house and all of a sudden( i say that to much 😂) you saw black liquid coming from a mattress with penny wise standing on it he lunged at you guys but you guys BOLTED (like the flash😏JK) down the stairs and never went back in there .

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