Post-Quidditch Tradition

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The Gryffindor common room was buzzing. People surrounding the team with loud cheers and chants. Some players being lifted up, giggles and words fill your ears. The pure excitement and positive energy in the room was incredible. Students walked past one another with smiles as everyone talked about the game everyone just got back from. The fantastic team Gryffindor had, had once again won a game with an insane lead against Ravenclaw. Everyone is either drenched from the rain or sweat. Those not circling or talking to the team are around the fire drying off or shedding layers. The smell of sweat, dirty equipment, rain and the roaring fire that light the common room filled your nose as you see the ginger boy finally get set back down onto the ground. His eyes met yours as he laughed and chatted with everyone. You step away from your place between the heat of the fire and walk closer to the group. A smile beaming across his face while he high fived those surrounding him till he reached you. 

A pair of arms wrap around you as you walk forward and meet Fred. He hugs you tightly as he spoke to you. The palms of his hands cradle your sides.

"Merlin, I'm on Cloud nine." You pull back from your hug and smile at him. His eyes gleaming and big, pure joy written on his face. Your heart is beating fast as he holds you in his arms. He towers over you and it feels like just the two of you although the room is full and loud. You get on your toes, wrapping your arms around his neck giving him a gentle and sweet kiss. Running a hand down to his warm chest and resting it there. He cups your back with his hand and pushes you closer, deepening the kiss. He kisses you back passionately, roughly yet gentle. He lets out a harsh breathe as you pull back. 

"You're the best beater Gryffindor has ever seen if I do say so myself." Your cheeks grow pink as do his while the words spill from your mouth. Fred gets all giddy and kisses you again in awe of your words. 

"Let me get settle with the team, clean up and then I'll let you know when you're good to come, okay?" He smiles and kisses your cheek. Running his hands through your stringy wet hair, brushing it back. Your hands slide down his chest then to his hand as he begins to walk away.


Its been roughly an hour when you realize Fred should be ready anytime now. You had just changed into comfortable clothes. You re-adjust a baggy old Quidditch jersey of Freds as you see a small paper plane come flying up from under the closed door. It darts at you and crashes into your hands. You unfold the paper and see the expecting note reading "Ready when you are, it's your choice tonight, don't forget! - Freddie <3". You smile as you fold the paper opening the trunk once under your bed. You tuck the paper into a medium sized shoe box before grabbing a DVD from your stack of Muggle movies. You double check that you have everything before leaving for the night. Looking around you have your wand, the movie, room key, aaaaaand, oh! You quickly go toward your bed and grab a teddy bear that had been hidden under a few blankets.

You leave your room, quietly making your way to the boys dorm hall. In quick time you make your way to Freds room. Softly you do the code knock and Fred opens the door. He stands shyly, looking tired yet he's glowing from the day he's had. You each smile at each other as you shuffle into the room. You grip tightly at the bear in your arms as Fred chuckles at you.

"You seem ready to sleep and skip the movie." He plants a kiss on your forehead. "So what hero are we learning about tonight?" He asks as you hold out the DVD. His hair looks damp, the parts of it that are dry look fluffy and soft.

"I picked this one." You hold out a copy of Doctor Strange. Fred grabs it and smiles.

"Doctor Strange, it is." He walks over to a set up of muggle items. A TV and DVD player. To the right of it is a little table with a small popcorn set up with a muggle item called a microwave. Next to the popcorn is a small notebook with a list of moves you and Fred had watched written down with the date you had watched it. It was quite the tradition for just the two of you. Nobody bothered to bug you while you were together after every game. Joy and love was the only feeling in the room as you cooked up some popcorn. Fred to your left was getting the movie ready. Once everything was ready you and Fred laid down together. One of his arms were wrapped around you as you leaned into the crook of his body. His other hand reaching for popcorn every so often. Your legs intertwined. Your head rested between his chest as you felt his chest rise and fall with each breathe. One arm was drooped over his frame and holding the blanket against you as well as the bear between your chest and arm. It wasn't very long till all the popcorn had been eaten and the movie was over. Leaving the two of you together and sleepy. Fred lightly wiggled around before you scooted into him as you each laid comfortable and happy. Sleep quickly came over the two of you as you sat warmly under the blankets throughout the cold damp night. Fred feeling the happiest he has in awhile.

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