sick- fluff

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Ray and Norman have there own room in the orphanage since there older. Emma also got the option but wanted to stay with the rest of the kids.

Sick ray was requested!

If some is in '' it's a thought

3rd person POV

It was the middle of the night, ray woke up coughing. He hoped he hasn't woken up Norman, as he made his way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. When he finished the water he made his way up to his room, ignoring the burning feeling in his throat.

When he got back to his bed he attempted to go to sleep again, when he was unsuccessful he turned on his lamp and read a book. Around 5 minutes later he heard a voice,

Italics: Norman
Normal: ray

"you should probably go to sleep now."

"Sorry if I woke you up"

"Its ok, I'm a light sleeper anyway. Anyways, are you ok? I heard you coughing."

"I'm fine, just a cold."

"Did you take any medicine?"

"Don't know where it is."

"I'll go get it for you."

"No it's ok, I'm fine."

"No your not, I'll be back with the medicine in a few minutes."


Norman's POV

'I wonder why he didn't want me to get the medicine.' I walked down the hall, making my footsteps quiet so I don't wake anybody up. I take the medicine out of the cupboards and make my way back to our room.

When I go inside I see ray sitting there reading.

"You know, you shouldn't read in the dark."


I make my way over to rays bed and watch him take the medicine I gave him.

"Do you need anything else?"

"I'm fine idiot, leave me alone."

Knew he would say that. I could tell he doesn't want to be alone, one thing I know about ray after knowing him all these years is that he doesn't like to be alone when he's sick. Ray doesn't get sick often but when he does You can see the look in his begging you not to leave him alone. Right now he has the same look in his eyes, not as obvious as it used to be.

"Move over."

He gives me a confused look but still moves over. I sit down next to him, pulling him into a hug.

"I know you don't want to be alone." I say to him.

"Idiot! Your gonna get sick!" He says, attempting to push me off of him.

"Idiots can't get sick!" I say with a smile.

After a little while he falls asleep, I fall asleep shortly after. When mom came to wake us up in the morning, she saw us cuddling.

454 words, not including this.
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