not your perfect marriage | oikawa x reader

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because being married isn't always sunshine and rainbows.

the jingle of keys was almost the only thing heard in the ghost-silent neighborhood as y/n took it out of her pocket, nestling inside one of the pockets she never remembered putting in. she blamed it on their exhaustion, holding up too much tension to put up with the yelling of her demon of a boss and the shit ton of paperworks that old hag threw at her.

tch, such a pain.

she marched to their doorstep, immediately noticing that the lights are still on, a dim glow waving from behind the translucent glass. it should've been out a few hours ago, considering the time of hour.

she sighed, lifting a hand to their head, massaging it lightly in attempt to throw off the pain that was drilling holes inside her mind. the door creaked as she opened it, taking off her black flat shoes using her feet, leaving it by the mat.

as expected, the lamp by the living room was on, with the television left running in a random channel, an advertisement flashing on screen blabbering something about a house.

did tooru leave these on?

y/n took a step to the couch, expecting a vacant space for her to sit down and cool off any excess tension she brought home. and perhaps brewing hersefl a cup of coffee will help.

but alas, her husband, tooru was occupying the couch, his body laying flat on the wide space. he lifted his gaze from the television to y/n as she approached, fierce brown eyes staring at her.

“ah you're home,” he huffed as he propped up the couch, sitting up and properly, an invite for y/n to sit down.

y/n didn't budge, eyeing him, “why are you still awake.” it came out to be a statement more than a question. “knowing you, you should've been snoring your ass off already.”

tooru hummed and nodded, “ah yes of course. but i'm not.”

y/n heaved a deep breath as she closed her eyes and let herself drop down the couch, by the near end.

“why are you up,” she sank down the couch as she leaned on the soft backrest.

“are you serious right now? you don't know why i'm up and waiting for you?” tooru deadpanned.

y/n took in a sharp inhale and tried to compose herself despite the given fact that she's about to pass out from exhaustion.

“well, goddamnit tooru, i'm fucking exhausted. do you really expect me to think straight and come up with a half sensible answer to suit your question?” she hissed, keeping their voice as low as possible.

“oh for fuck's sake,” tooru loosely slapped his leg and stood up.

“what? what's wrong? just tell me already,” her voice rose up in a mere pinch, unconsciously. seeking an answer, slightly too frustrated to care and a bit too desperate for rest.

tooru had put a hand on his hip while the other was pinching his nose. “really, y/n? i told you a million times before to quit that goddamn job already! look what's happened to you! and—”

“it's the only job i can find, tooru! what do you want me to do?” y/n cut him out, frustrated of where this conversation was going.

tooru scoffed, crossing his arms, “your paintings? art? what happened to that? did you really just drop that for something you don't even enjoy?”

y/n chuckled in a bitter tone, poison dripping from the tip of her tongue, “i'm not 15 and naive to not know the world doesn't work according to what i want tooru! it's not fucking easy!”

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